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The end of the day came. Regina was packing up her office while waiting for Emma. The blonde walked in with a grin across her face.

"Hey" she said waving at her girlfriend.

"You this morning" Regina scolds as she glared at her. Emma laughed while walking over to her. She placed her hands on Regina's hips and pulled her body into hers. Still laughing hard. "It's not funny. That guy probably thought I was insane but no it was just you fingering me under the table and making me orgasm" the brunette growled as she glared at her girlfriend.

"It's still funny" Emma replied cracking up at herself earlier that day. Regina put her middle finger up while smirking at her. This only made the blonde laugh more. "I think I'm going to piss myself" Emma laughed as she crossed her legs.

Regina laugh at Emma's reaction. She shook her head as she tried holding the laughter in but it didn't work. Finally the girls started to calm down but still giggling.

"Anyway. Where we going" Regina asked as she picked her bag up from the floor.

"Your car but I'm driving" Emma said with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"The fuck are you driving my car. Just tell me and I'll drive" Regina quickly said as she raised an eyebrow at how stupid Emma's comment was.

"Ugh fine. We need to stop off at my work first" Emma sighed as she walked to the door.

Regina rolled her eyes and followed with a chuckle. They walked out and left the building. Heading for the car park. Regina unlocked the car before pulling Emma's door open. She then went around and got in the other side.

"So your work first then where" the brunette asked starting her car up.

"Tell you after" Emma smirked with a wink.

Regina chuckled and started driving. They talked for a little in the short drive to the bar. It was closed and locked up since it always was on a Monday at this time. They got out but Regina looked confused to see it closed.

"How are we getting in" she asked frowning while closing her door.

"He gave me a key to the place. Come on" Emma quickly said while walking towards the door. She unlocked it and opened the door. Regina walked in first and saw a table pushed to the middle of the room with a table cloth over it. Two plates were placed either side in front of chairs. "It's not much of a date but it does mean we are alone and don't have to leave town" Emma said awkwardly with a slight smile.

"It's lovely Emma. Thank you" Regina said over her shoulder with a sweet smile on her face.

"I'm glad you like it" Emma replied walking to a chair. She pulled it out and gestured for Regina to sit. "Well come on"

The brunette laughed as she walked over. She sat down and Emma tucked her in. The blonde went around the table and sat down.

"So what are we eating" Regina asked curiously thinking Emma can't cook.

"Read the menu" the blonde said pointing towards a folded up menu.

"You can cook" the brunette asked a little shocked.

"Yeah but that's not what we're eating. Just open it. Bye the way I'm insulted you thought I couldn't" Emma replied with a chuckle making her girlfriend laugh.

Regina lifts it up and opened it. She saw the only thing written in big writing was your guilty pleasure. Regina laughing at it before looking up at the blonde.

"Dominos. You really do remember the little things" she said smiling at the silly memory.

When Emma slept at her house once she ordered in domino. It's what Regina calls her guilty pleasure. She loved it but rarely ever ate it.

"Of course. Also we're in a bar so we can get really drunk" Emma said as she stood up laughing and walked to the bar.

"No we can't. I have work and you have college" Regina replied raising her eyebrows at Emma's comment.

"Well no one will noticed if I'm not in first lesson and your pretty much immune to hangover now" Emma smirked as she lifted up a bottle of scotch and a bottle of vodka.

Regina laughed a little while shaking her head. She was only immune because of her being an alcoholic for years before. The door on the bar then knocked. Emma went over and opened it. Seeing it was the dominos delivery boy.

"Here. That's 30 bucks" he said appearing high.

"There. Thanks" Emma replied talking the food.

"No tip" he questioned annoyed.

"You smell like weed" she said confused he asked. Emma closed the door and locked it back up. "Stupid person" she sighed while walking to the table.

"Smells good. Let me guess. You got half and half. Your side meat feast and mine Texas BBQ" Regina asked knowing what Emma is like.

"Of course. Plus sides" the blondes replied smirking as she placed it on the table.

"Thank you. This is sweet of you em" Regina said smiling softly at Emma.

The girls ate while music was playing. They were talking and laughing and singing. It was obvious to everyone Regina was much happier since the Christmas break. Once they ate Emma went over to the speaker. She used her phone connected to it and played the song all of me. She then stood in the middle of the room and held her hand out.

"Come dance with me" she asked with a stupid smile on her face.

"Why not" Regina giggled as she stood up. She walked around the table and to Emma. She took her hand causing the blonde to spin her around and into her arms. "You can dance" Regina questioned confused.

"Yep" Emma replied with a smirk.

They girls started slow dancing to the song. Keep each other close like they would leave. Swaying to the sound of the song. Emma sang little parts subconscious which made Regina smile.

"This is actually a lot better than I thought it would be" Regina said with a chuckle.

"I'm glad you like it" Emma replied before placing a soft kiss on the brunettes head.

Regina moved back a little and leaned in to kiss Emma. As there lips touched the moved even closer. Deep and slow. They still swayed as they did so. This is the moment both girls knew they were truly in love.

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