Chapter 2 - Kitty

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// 6th summer //

It's so hot outside that I don't even have the courage to change into my bathing suit and go for a swim in the pond. I'm laying on my bed with an old fan blowing hot air towards me. Nope, I am not to move a finger this afternoon!

My brand new phone rings once besides me. My birthday was two weeks ago, on June the 28th, and as I turned 16, my parents decided that I was finally aloud to get a smartphone. I sigh heavily and turn on my side. So much for not moving...I grab it and look at the notification. It's a text from Harrison!

I swiftly open it and read. He says he's on the road and that he'll be there in half an hour. My pulse race with anticipation. Holidays are finally going to start!

For 5 years now, Harrison has been my best mate. I'm not really good at socialising at school. I have two friends with whom I get along pretty well but...I dunno, it's different with Harry. It's always been like a lovely parenthese away from the city and school harshness. Here with him I can be my true self and nobody judges me. My friends still don't really know about him. I know it's stupid but...I guess I want to keep it our secret? Like I say, our lovely countryside parenthese...

I force myself to get up and finally get myself into my bikini. I grab a thin summer dress to put on top of it later, my wide-brimmed hat and a towel and I start heading down to the pond. It's been a rule since our second summer that the one who's already here waits for the other by the pond. I'll wait for him in the water, at least I'll stop sweating like a pig!

I jump in the water- Shoot! My bra shifts up and one of my breasts almost get loose. It's actually the first time I put on a bikini and I'm not used to it yet. Usually I use my natation one piece suit but I reckoned that this year I should try something more...girly? I'm not exactly comfortable with my body since puberty hit me. I just find average. Average height, average weight, average bra size, average looks. There's just nothing stepping up...Well, I do have the smarts, kinda.

I straighten my bra and start swimming a little. The water is fresh and it feels really good. I lost track of time and get startled by Harry's voice calling my name. My pulse races immediately. I stand on the water and wave at him. He is already in his swim trunks and as he approaches I find myself a bit mixed up. Something has changed...He looks taller - he's always been an inch smaller than me - and his shoulders broader. Even his face seems to have sharpened a bit. A little less like a child, a little more like a man...That definitely suits him!

─ Is it good?, he asks me with a big grin on his face.

─ It's perfect, I smile moving my arms in the water.

─ I thought I was going to die in the car. The air conditioning is broken!

He dives in the water and swims towards me. I splash him but he grabs me by the waist and gives me a wet kiss on the check. I hug him tight. I've missed him!

─ You've dressed up for me, he smirked and I poke him.

Harrison is probably the only living being on earth with whom I feel comfortable enough not to blush and stamer after this kind of remark. We've always been like that, close and...touchy-feely. Lately, I have been wondering if it means we should be more than friends. But it might just be because I still don't have had any boyfriends and my hormones gets over the roof everytime a bloke touches me - which is basically just Harry.

We hug again for a couple of minutes. I'm so happy to see him my heart's pumping like I just ran a marathon. It seems to me that my body is reacting a bit more intensely to his touch but again I'm not sure what it means.

Well, I've never been in love before so how could I know how it's supposed to feel like. I mean, I already know I like Harry. I adore him. If I am honest with myself, I've had a few dreams of us...well, you know what I mean. So, yeah...I don't know.

He steps back and looks at my bikini.

─ Lemme see that, he asks, dragging me where the water his less high.

─ Hey, I say playfully trying to resist, I'm not a-

But I don't get to finish as he throws me under water. He got stronger too, apparently.

//back to 7th summer//

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