Chapter 33 - Tom

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I wake up alone on the bedroom in the morning. By the look of Haz's bed, he never came last night. Maybe he went to see Amy?

I don't even know if I want them to stay together or not. I hate seeing Amy crying but I can't imagine Haz having a long distance relationship with her...

I walk into the kitchen to find him head down on his bowl of cereals. I say hi to Mrs Kerry who is cleaning the sink. She hands me a bowl and asks me quietly:

-- Do you know what's wrong with him?

I think of answering no but we already lied to her about the black eye, saying that I got hit by a low branch in the wood, and it doesn't seem right.

-- He and Amelia got into an argument, I whisper.

Well it's no lie, is it? She nods and gives me a sad smile. She patted Haz on the shoulder as she leaves the kitchen and he barely flinch at the touch. I pour myself some cereals and milk and sit beside him.

-- Did you talked to Amy, I ask tentatively.

-- Hm...

I wait for him to say something else but he doesn't seem in the mood for talking. There's something I need to ask him though.

-- I told her I'd go check on her today. But I won't if you're not okay with it.

He sighs but doesn't talk yet. When he finally does, he keeps his eyes on his bowl.

-- Actually I think I need to stay alone for a while..

I'm not sure if this is true or if he's just not ready to admit that me seeing Amy without him is fine. Maybe it's both, because he really looks like he wants to be on his own.

15 minutes later, I'm at Amy's grandmother's door, my Spiderman DVD set under the arm. I feel a bit silly but I figured that if we are watching movies we won't have to talk about Haz. I knock on the door and her grandmother opens. I put on my best smile and say:

-- Good morning, I came to see Amy.

-- Are you the one who's making her cry, she ask looking at me bluntly.

-- Uh-No ma'am!

She relaxes and let me in, showing me Amy's room. I don't know why I get so nervous all of a sudden...I take a deep breath but the door opens before I can knock. Amy jerks and let out a little cry, putting her hand on her heart. Her red eyes are telling me she's been doing a lot of crying. I guess it means Haz did break up with her?

-- What are you doing here, she asks.

I hold out the DVD set before my face and blurt out:

-- Movie?

She stares at me for a second then she breaks into a smile and nods. She takes the box from my hands and frowns.

-- I thought it was called the Amazing Spider Man?

-- The new one yes. These are with Tobey Maguire!

-- Hm, I'd rather watch Andrew Garfield but okay, she shrugs.

It makes me laugh in a silly way and I mentally slap myself. I settle on the couch while she puts on the 1st DVD. She sits next to me but at a reasonable distance.

We almost don't speak for the first half of the movie. Then I hear her sobbing quietly...

-- Amy, I ask putting my hand on her shoulder.

-- He did it, she mumbles. He broke up with me.

That much I figured by the look on their faces. And this is precisely the conversation I didn't wanted to have with her...

-- I'm sorry, I say uneasy.

-- I think he's right...but I wish he weren't.

I glance at her and see she's staring at me, biting her lip not to cry to much. Jeez I want to kiss her and to give her all the love she deserves! But I'm leaving tomorrow so...

I just squeeze her shoulder a little and before I know she's in my arms again, crying. And I don't know what to say so I just hold her and brush her hair. Damn it! Why am I always so overwhelmed when she's hugging me?

At some point the sobbing reduces to a few sniffles and we are back at watching the movie in silence. She stays in my arms and I don't want to let her go.

But at lunchtime, her grandmother get us some sandwiches and I have to. I fight against the urge of kissing her as she looks at me with a sad and thankful smile.

-- I'm sorry, she says. I ruined your t-shirt.

-- I don't care.

I look away and grab my sandwich. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, being alone with her?

-- I'm the one who's sorry not to be able to do more, I add still avoiding her eyes.

-- You're here, she says softly. That's all I need from you.

This actually makes me sad...

We eat in silence as the movie ends and she starts the second one. We binge all 3 movies, only talking to comment on what we are watching. By the end of the third, I think she's feeling better because her voice is lighter and she laughs frankly at my jokes.

-- When do you leave tomorrow, she ask as the end credits rolls off.

-- By the end of the morning.

-- Okay...

-- Do you have instagram, I blurt out.

Because I can't leave without making sure I can stay in touch with her. I just can't! She glances at me startled but eventually says yes. I open the app on my phone and wait for her to tell me her account name.

-- It's barefootonthegrass, all one word.

-- From the Ed Sheeran song, I ask.

-- Yeah...I guess it just fitted, she shrugs.

-- It does, I say in a breath.

But I'm not thinking about her almost always being barefoot. I'm thinking about the rest of the song, and how she does look perfect to me...

I hear the notification ringtone on her phone as I tap the Follow icon.

-- Tomholland2013, she asks.

-- I just started it this year so...yeah.

-- Well, you are a practical guy, she giggles.

The scene unfolds in my head. I lean over and put one hand at the back of her head, the other on the small of her back. I pull her close to me and press my lips on hers. She's stunned at first but then she kisses back and my heart explode!

But this is just me daydreaming...

-- I should head back, I say blankly.

-- Oh...Yeah, okay.

I can't look at her right now so I keep myself busy putting the dvds back in their set. But eventually I stand up and she's there in front of me. She's hugging me. Saying thank you so softly I barely hear it. And then she kisses me on the cheek, near my left ear.

I almost lost it. I want to turn my head and still a kiss. I want it so bad I have to bite my tongue to stop myself. I want to tell her I love her. That I'll miss her so much I can already feel the pain. It feels insane that I grew so hooked on her in such a short amount if time!

She steps away and I look at my feet.

-- See you tomorrow, she says.

I nod and walk out of the house. Of all the girls in the world...!

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