Chapter 3 - Tom

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I walk slowly to let Haz some intimacy to greet his friend. He hugs her and the way she buries her nose on his neck, I wonder if they are maybe more than friends.

Haz never acted like he had a girlfriend, tho'. Quite the contrary actually! I'm pretty sure I saw him snogging ay least two girls throughout the year at school.

They part as I arrive near them and Haz introduces me.

─ Kitty, this is Thomas. Tom.

─ Hi Kitty, I say with a smile and a wave. I've hear a lot about you. It's nice to meet you.

She wince and respond coldly:

─ I'm Amelia. Nice to meet you, Thomas.

Okay, she made it clear. No nicknames!

─ Sorry, I say scratching the back of my neck.

─ Now look at you acting all shy, laughs Harrison.

─ Fuck off, Haz!

─ Haz?, she asks confused.

─ Yeah, that's how they call me at school, he answers a bit smugly. She calls me Harry, he turns and explains to me.

─ Oh. It's funny, Harry's one of my brothers name...

She shrugs but glares at me. I don't know why but she doesn't look pleased to have me here...

Haz's phone rings and he walks away to answer it - I understand it's his Mom - so I find myself alone with Amelia...A bit intimidated...

─ So, I try to engage conversation, how long are you staying here?

─ All summer, she says, not even looking at me.

─ Ugh, don't you get bored? There's like nothing to do around here!

She glares at me so nastily that I take a step back.

─ I like the countryside.

─ Okay, sorry I didn't mean to...

─ Whatever, she says and walks to the table.

I follow her and sit on top of it, next to her. I try to make eye contact but she just ignores me. It's too bad, really, 'cause Haz has praised her so much I was really looking forward to meet her.

─ I'm just here for two weeks, I say, hoping it will relax her. Haz invited me 'cause his sister is on summer camp.

She still doesn't look at me but I keep on.

─ You've known him for a long time, right?

Ah! Finally I get a glance!

─ 7 years, she says blankly.

─ Oh wow! That's nice.

She goes back to staring at the pond and I'm not sure what to do. So I just look at her...Her scorn is kinda cute, actually...

She's wearing a pale yellow dress that is a bit translucent. If you look closely, you can see her bra underneath...But I shouldn't! She would probably kill me on sight if she caught me! And it would be even worse if Elle - my girlfriend at the moment - did!

When Haz hang up, I see her literally jumping off the table and running to him.

I can't hear everything they say but I think she's asking him why I'm here...

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