Chapter 5 -Haz

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I don't understand why Kitty makes all this fuss about Tom. She just ran away! I mean, how do I look now? I told Tom she was awesome and that they would get along well but she acts like a fucking child!

I sit on the table with my mate and tell him:

-- I'm sorry. She's not usually like that.

-- Well, you did told me she had some temper, he smiles.

-- Yeah...

I probably forgot something important. It's always like that with girls...I try to think of what it could be and it finally hits me:

-- Oh shit, I know now! I forgot to congratulate her for her driving licence! Yeah, it's probably that. I'll text her later, she'll be over it tomorrow.

-- I thought she was our age, Tom says looking startled.

-- She is. She did accompanied driving so that she could pass the test right after she turned 17 (That's the legal age in England if I'm correct...).

-- Oh, okay. Maybe you should text her now?

-- Nah, she won't ease off for a while...Wanna go play basketball?

-- Sure, yeah.

We hit the ball for a while but it's the middle of the afternoon and the sun is really hot. We end up lying on the grass under a big tree, all sweaty and tired.

I'm about to go for a nap when Tom asks me:

-- So...Are you and a summer fling?

-- What makes you think that?

-- Dunno...The way she hugged you earlier, maybe.

I stare at the sky, not really sure what to say. I don't know what we are actually...

-- We're just having fun I guess.

I don't feel all that comfortable talking about feelings and relationships and shits like that, so I try to change the subject.

-- Ice cream?

-- Oh fuck yeah!

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