Chapter 21 - Kitty

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Feeling Harry's hand in mine makes me...I don't know, longing maybe? Am I so desperate for his touch? Who am I fooling, of course I am. I'm craving for his hands on me! And for more I guess? Because if his hands felt so good, how is it going to be when...

I shake my head and try to think about something else before I get to overwhelmed by my fantasies. It's not like I am going to get it today. Maybe tomorrow when we get back?

I spot some wild flowers in the field by the side of the road and let go of Harry's hand to go picking them up. I walk behind Thomas and jump the ditch. But just before I lift my hand, I hear noise and see a dark brown form running towards me.

I cry out and run backward, then I turn over but almost fall on the ditch. I feel someone catching me and flipping away from what I think is Mr Kingsley's huge dog. I cling at Harry's t-shirt and bury my face on his shoulder. I'm so scared! But his arms around me makes me feel a little safer.

The dog reaches us, skipping and barking. I hear the boys laughing and Harry saying:

-- Hey big boy! What are you doing down here?

Wait...Who am I holding to?!

I shift my head up and find Thomas' smiling face.

-- It's okay, he says, I've got you, Amy Pond.

I quickly let go of his t-shirt and step away. The smile fades a bit and I look away. Harry is playing with the dog but I see him glancing at me. I just can't get myself to go near it so I just stand there.

-- I don't know why you're so afraid of that dog, Harry says.

-- It's huge!

-- Yeah, he chuckles, but he's the sweetest I've ever met. Yes buddy, you are, he adds petting its head.

-- Should he be out there on his own, tho', asks Thomas.

Just at this moment, I hear a loud whistle and the dog jerks its head to the sound. The whistle blows again and it rushes away from us through the field.

-- Well, says Thomas, I guess that answers my question.

Harry put an arm around my shoulders and kisses my forehead.

-- How are you going to survive in the woods if you're afraid of a dog, he smirks.

-- The wildest animals this forest holds are rabbits, I reply drily, I'm sure I can handle them.

It makes Harry and Thomas laugh but it's true. I've never heard about anything else than mouses, rabbits, deers and howls living around here. And Mr Kingsley's dog...

We keep on walking and eventually enter the forest. The trail is clear though, so I'm not afraid we might get lost if we stay on it. What does frighten me, is that sad excuse of a bridge...

-- I am not crossing on that, I say.

The small river that flows through the forest had dug a gully large enough not to being crossed by a leap and deep enough to get hurt if one falls down. An old rope bridge alouds to get across it but it looks about to fall into pieces.

-- Oh come on Kitty, chuckles Harry, it's on the map, I'm sure it's sturdy enough!

-- It's a rope bridge with worm-eaten boards.

But Thomas is already stepping on it. Or should I say jumping on it!

-- See, he shouts from the other side, it can holds us!

Harry takes my hand.

-- Come on, I'll cross with you.

-- No, no, no!

-- Kitty, he sights.

-- I'll cross it, I say annoyed. But we go one at a time. The both of us might be too heavy...

-- Sure, Harry says lifting his arms in the air, as you wish!

He walks away and I feel stupid...I guess they are right, the bridge as been here for a long time. It held them, it can hold me! I take a deep breath and-...Holly cow those boards really look like on the verge of breaking!

The boys starts cheering for me from the other side of the gully. I smile at those dorks and put my hands on the ropes. I can do this. I can do this! I take one step on the bridge, slowly shifting my weight on it...and it holds, so I keep on. Until I reach Harry's hand held out for me.

He pulls me on solid ground and kisses me as he takes me in his arms.

-- You're my brave little genius, you know that, he teases.

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