Book #1 of the COUNTRY GIRL serie (Bokk #2 is out too: The 10th summer)
As far as I can remember, I've always been a countryside kind of girl. My parents and I live in Bristol, dead center, so the only garden I should have known was the park across...
I put down my bags and look at my new room. I'm lucky enough that my roommate will be one if my college friend but I'm still stressing out about my first day at Oxford.
I unpack my things and arrange the room so that it feel a little like home. When I'm done, I take a picture for my Instagram. Thomas is the first to like my post and it makes me smile.
I remember that day he went through my account. It was maybe 2 or 3 days after he and Harry left Clayton. He liked and comment each and everyone of them! I was having a really bad day, mostly because I missed Harry, and it cheered me up when nothing Granny tried did.
I soon see his comment and laugh. "Let's see how long you can keep it that tidy" it says and well...I am a messy girl so he's got a point!
Then he sends me a message asking how is Oxford so far and we chat for about half an hour.
You know when they say that good things can come out of hard times? Well, that's what happened with Thomas. We both had breakups at the same time since Elle dumped him just after he came back to London. I'm not really sure why and he never got into the details but anyway. We helped each other going through it and it brought us really close.
It's funny because I don't think I ever bonded with someone this fast. As if I have to be heartbroken to let people in. It's maybe more sad than funny actually...
What's funny tho' is that I still call him Thomas. Sometimes I slip and go for Tom but he told me he actually liked it that I use his full name. He said it make me special. I feel myself smiling fondly. Me, special, that's funny too.
I check out my other notifications and almost drop my phone. Harry?! Harry liked my post and started following me?! I start to freak out, I don't know what it means and my brain is going to wild scenarios. I wait for a message or a comment or anything but nothing comes.
I try to breath in and out slowly to calm myself. But when my phone buzzes again, my pulse races back up.
"I figured we were past those childish rules. Have fun with your new life. You're gonna kill it Genius"
I start crying but I realise it's out of relief more than sadness. It's still hard to think of him as a friend only and at first I thought that not having any news from him would help. But now that he's reaching out for me I realise this might help. That way we can learn again how to behave with each other. And I hope by the time next summer comes, we will be able to see each other and things will be back to normal.
Then Thomas likes Harry's comment and I chuckle. I'll be fine with them both by my side. Well, more by my virtual side but whatever. I'll be fine.
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