Chapter 4 - Imelda

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Finally a day off. My days off used to mean lying on the couch with junk food, wine, or red juice that looked like wine whilst I was pregnant, and Netflix, usually with Nat in tow. Now? Now I have six tonnes of laundry to do and my house looks like a bomb exploded, but Nat is still in tow

"Look she's totally doing it." Nat beams as she sits on the living room floor holding Isla up so it looks like she's standing

"Well done my little princess." I smile as I sit down in front of them

"So don't yell at me." Nat says as she sits Isla down and starts playing with toys

"What have you done?" I groan

"Well you know we're both off next weekend and you haven't been out since you got pregnant with this little cutie, we're partying." She says and I groan

"No way. I'm not going, besides what about Isla? I can't expect my mom to have her every day I'm working and the weekend I'm off." I reply

"That's why I called your sister." Nat says cautiously

"You called Bella?" I gasp "you sneaky little b." My sister is in medical school to become a doctor, I'm so proud of her because she used to be a rebellious teenager, but now she is determined to make something of herself.

"Well it's about time you get back out there you were barely free from the clutches of douchebag when you got pregnant." Nat says

"Aye, you sound like my mom." I say as I run my hands down my face

"She trying to fix you up again? I think you should've given sniffer another chance." Nat smirks

"I know, your moms giving you shit about the whole single mom thing but come on, I'm not telling you to find a man I'm telling you just because you're a mom now doesn't mean you can't have fun." She pleads

"Bella will stay here with Isla and I want you to come have some wine and a few dances with me, that's all I'm asking." She pouts like a child

"Eugh fine, I'll come but I'm not promising I'll have fun." I groan

"Yay, I'll take it." She says clapping her hands.

"That reminds me, I saw douchebag last week, still looks like shit. Pretty sure he's getting fat too." She smiles

"Language!" I say as I slap her arm

"She spends more time with Aunt Nat her first word is gonna be an F bomb for sure." I say shaking my head.

"But seriously, have you seen him?" She asks

"No. Thankfully I haven't had the pleasure since he busted into the ER when I was seven months pregnant demanding to know if he was the father." I say rolling my eyes.

"Thank the lord he isn't. Isla is better off with no dad than that douchebag." Nat replies as I sigh

"Shit Immy I didn't mean it to sound like that, come on Isla has a great family." Nat says

"I know, it's just, he's out there and he doesn't even know she exists, what happens when she sees other kids with their dads and starts asking me questions?" I ask

"You tell her her mom is so fucking awesome she doesn't need a dad." Nat replies

"And when she's older and wants to find him?"

"You tell her douchebag broke your heart and to get over him you got under some one else for your first one night stand and bam Isla was made. There's no judging Immy, plenty of people have one night stands, myself included." Nat assures me.

"Even if he gave you a fake name. What was it again?" She smirks

"I'll always regret telling you that, Rider." I roll my eyes

"You sure rode him good!" She laughs

"Come on, I hate that damn guilty look on your face, I'm taking my two favourite girls for lunch." Nat says as she stands up and pulls Isla into her arms.

"Oh hell no." Nat says as she looks down at my outfit. Saturday night has come around quick and I really don't want to go.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I ask looking down at my white blouse and jeans

"You're hot, that outfit is not, put this on." She says as she pulls a dress out of my closet

"I still haven't lost all my baby weight, no way am I wearing that." I shake my head

"Immy, you're hot, just try it on." She says shoving the dress into my arms

"Fine but you'll have to wait while I shave my legs." I groan

"You were going to go out without shaving your legs? Oh my god. Get in the bathroom, your hoo ha is getting the razor too." Nat says as she helps herself into my bathroom

"Come on. I saw you push my niece out of there, nothing I haven't seen before." Nat says waving me in.

Finally we arrive at the club, Scars. I came here once after I got pregnant, but I didn't know I was at the time. Being here brings all the shame, humiliation and embarrassment back.

"Come on, some vodka and a couple of dances and you'll be fine." Nat says as she pulls me inside.

She was right, two vodka tonics later Nat and I are on the dance floor dancing to the rock music and I'm actually having fun. I may have text Bella four times to check Isla is ok, but I'm still having fun.

All the bikers are here tonight and Nat is practically drooling over them, but so far we've been lucky to avoid them, that's the last thing I need.

"I'm gonna get us another drink." I call to Nat pointing to the bar

"Don't be long or I might find my way to the hot bikers." Nat smirks and I shake my head as I make my way to the bar.

I stand and wait to be served for what feels like hours but is probably only fifteen minutes. I look to my right and there he is. Islas father. He's here, oh no, this isn't good, what if he remembers me? Oh what if he does, he has no idea we had a baby and I won't tell him now, he humiliated me and I don't want him anywhere near my daughter.

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