Chapter 23 - Ice

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A/N: Hello Lovelies. Over 26k views already! Hope you're enjoying and apologies for the epic cliffhanger yesterday 🙊 xxx

I drive as fast as I can, not giving a fuck about speed limits or the traffic. Why am I in this stupid tow truck? I would be so much faster on my bike. I hated the sound of Imelda's voice and knowing she was still trapped in her car as I spoke to her, but as soon as Socket called me I had to know she was still there. The thought of almost losing my girls is killing me.

I abandon the tow truck at the front of the hospital, Socket will have put the call out to my club and one of them will come and move it. I run through the entrance and up to the front desk

"I need to see Isla Vasquez, she's my daughter." I say before the receptionist even has chance to acknowledge me

"Mr Vasquez, follow me." Some asshole in scrubs says from beside the desk, that's going to change soon. Isla and Imelda are both going to have my last name. I follow the guy in scrubs as we pass a long line of cubicles until we reach a door, he opens it and I step passed him inside to find Natalie sitting on the bed with Isla

"Daddy!" She says as she sees me and reaches out with her little arms, I notice the bandaid on her arm as I pick her up and cradle her against my chest

"She's ok Ice. She's going to have some bruising from the car seat straps and she has a little cut on her arm from broken glass but other than that she's fine. Stopped crying as soon as she saw the princess bandaids." Natalie says

"Thank you." I sigh as I hold Isla close

"Socket rode with her in the ambulance and as soon as they got here I took over, I thought it would be better to be with some one she knew." Natalie says

"Where is Socket?" I ask, I'm too scared to ask about Imelda yet, I can't handle it not being good news.

"He said he had to make some calls." She replies.

"Where is she?" I finally ask

"Last I heard they were taking her to X-ray. She's got the usual cuts and bruises from a car crash but they had to cut her out because her leg was trapped and she lost a lot of blood. Now you're with Isla I'll go see if I can get an update." Nat says patting me on the shoulder before leaving. I sigh as I sit down on the bed with Isla and smooth down her dark hair as she plays with the edge of her purple dress. Suddenly the door bursts open and in walks Imelda's mother crying and rambling in Spanish, followed by Imelda's father and Bella. Her mom rushes forward and I let her take Isla from me as I turn to Bella

"Care to translate?" I ask and she laughs

"Even I don't know what that is. Is Isla ok? And where's Imelda?" She asks

"Isla is ok, just one cut and some bruising and Natalie has gone to find out more information on Imelda." I reply as I watch Mrs Vasquez rock Isla.

"Ice?" Socket asks as he steps inside the room

"You got a minute?" He asks and I look back to Isla

"Don't worry, we've got her." Bella says, I lean down and place a kiss on Isla's forehead before following Socket out of the room

"What's up?" I ask

"First of all the whole clubs in the waiting room, I said I'd get an update. Ace has moved your truck from out front and there's a cop waiting to speak to Imelda." He explains and I look up to see an officer hovering. Luckily I know him, he's pretty club friendly, not like other cops, just looking for a reason to take the club down.

"Isla's Fine, Just bruised and I'm waiting for Natalie to find out about Imelda." I say and Socket nods before heading back to the waiting area

"Officer Fletcher." I nod as I approach him

"Ice, What brings you to the hospital?" He asks

"It was my girl and my kid in the accident." I explain

"Well shit, I didn't know they were club. I wondered why the whole group were out there." He says pointing to the waiting area

"What happened?" I ask

"Drunk driver. Ran straight through a red light and plowed into Miss Vasquez vehicle. I'm waiting on his bloods and I need a statement from your girl." He explains and I take a deep breath to calm the fire building inside me.

"He here?" I ask and he nods

"You gotta let me at him, he could've killed my kid." I growl

"Well he hasn't been booked yet, maybe he's all bruised and banged up from the accident. Let me see what I can do." He replies shrugging

"That was easy." I smirk

"Honestly, this isn't his first offence, or with a minor involved and no matter how many times we book him for it, he always does it again. Maybe you can knock some sense into him, before he kills an innocent family." He smirks and I shake his hand before heading back to Isla.

"Is everything ok?" Bella asks as I step inside the room, Isla still curled up in her grandmothers arms

"Yeah. I was talking to the police, a drunk driver went through a red light and hit them." I explain and Mrs Vasquez starts crying all over again

"I hope he gets what's coming to him." Mr Vasquez growls and I only nod.

"Hey." Natalie says walking back into the room

"How's Imelda?" I ask as all eyes turn to her

"She's going to be ok. She's got cuts and bruises, her face looks pretty bad, but the airbag made her sunglasses cut into her cheek. She's in surgery right now, she's broken a bone in her leg and they are fitting a metal plate. She's going to have to be off that leg for a while, but other than that she's ok." Natalie assures me and Mrs Vasquez starts off in Spanish again

"Don't look at me." Bella smirks

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