Chapter 20 - Imelda

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I can't believe Isaak has bought a house, a really fancy huge house on the lake. Yes it's great that Isla will have a yard to play in and her own bedroom but at the same time I'm so upset that I'm not the one to give it to her. I can already see as she gets older she won't want to come back to me, to share a bedroom with me with no yard.

"What do you think Ice?" Cordelia asks shaking me from my thoughts

"Whatever." He shrugs as Cordelia frowns

"It's your house idiot." She replies, Isaak is definitely not enjoying shopping with the girls. Scarlett, Cordelia and Skye have come with us to help pick out stuff for Isla's room and the rest of Isaak's house.

"Just pick something so we can get out of here you asshole." Circuit groans as he sits down on one of the display beds

"What's the matter babe? Aren't you having fun?" Skye asks with a big grin on her face and Scarlett laughs

"Well Isla helped pick out stuff for her room, maybe we could do the rest of your place another day?" I ask

"How about you girls just pick whatever and come get me when you're done?" Isaak says

"Oh I'm sure we can do that." Scarlett smirks as Isaak and Circuit make a hasty retreat outside.

"Ok, what's the most expensive? Let's hit him where it hurts, his wallet." Scarlett says as we look at the furniture

"I don't get why he doesn't care, it's his home." I sigh as I sit down on a long grey couch

"Our boy is growing up, but he's not quite there yet." Skye says wheeling up beside me, I'm about to ask what she means when Scarlett interrupts

"Ok now there's no snitches around, we need to discuss Evie's bachelorette party." Scarlett says sitting down beside me

"Oh that's a good idea, we could do with a girls night, I'm getting worried about Indigo." Cordelia says sitting on the loveseat opposite

"Why, is Indigo alright?" I ask

"Well I told you about her anxiety issues when we discussed her birthing plan, but since she had Willow she hasn't left her house, I'm worried she's reverting back to her old ways." Cordelia says

"Have you talked with Bullet?" Scarlett asks

"Yeah, he thinks she's just learning a new routine and wants to give her more time, but she didn't want to come to my house, when I'm right next door and she hasn't been to the clubhouse either." Cordelia sighs

"Oh you know what we should do, we should get Izzy to do another salon day, we could do it in my room at the clubhouse again or one of our houses, make her come out, she can bring the baby and even Bullet if she needs to. Tell her it's prep for the party, she loved her bachelorette and I refuse to see Evie's sabotaged like mine was." Skye growls the end and I look around the girls confused

"Don't you worry, this party is top secret, the guys won't have a clue." Scarlett replies

"Did I tell you I caught Killer on my phone?" Cordelia says and Scarlett gasps

"Did he find our group chat?" She asks

"Well, seems now Doc has an old lady he's become a little snitch. Remember when Addy's team were here and you sent us all pictures of them working out?" Cordelia says and I am totally lost

"I remember those pictures, they are firmly locked in the spark bank." Skye smirks

"Yeah well Doc told on us and if Killer knows they all know." Cordelia sighs

"You wait til I tell Addy, Doc'll have blue balls for life." Scarlett growls

"Ok you have got to clue me in here, who sabotaged your party? Who's Addy's team? And where are these pictures? I want in." I say and they laugh

"Oh this is going to be fun, you're totally one of us, time to ruin your innocence." Scarlett smirks pulling out her cell phone.

I think the only word to describe how I feel right now is traumatised. Scarlett and Skye are man eaters and Cordelia definitely isn't as innocent as I remember her being. I saw pictures of the men Adeline works with, definitely hot, I saw pictures from Indigo's bachelorette, which they swore me to secrecy about. Then when I started asking questions about the club, they thought Isaak would've told me so they told me everything. I didn't even know what an old lady was, they said although I'm not an old lady because I had Isla with Isaak that the club is expected to treat me like one, which feels really weird. I knew most of the rumours spread around town about the club, but I was still kind of surprised when I realised they don't exactly follow the law. Then when they started talking about lock downs and protection my head started spinning.

"Are you alright? You've been quiet ever since you finished shopping with the girls" Isaak says as we pull into his new house. We stopped to get food and now I'm helping him start on Isla's room.

"I'm fine." I reply as I climb out of the truck and get Isla out of her seat before helping with the bags. The silence continues as we head upstairs and begin unpacking things

"Is Isla in danger?" I ask and he looks at me confused

"Scarlett and Cordelia were surprised you hadn't told me anything about how the club works, so they filled me in. Is Isla in danger?" I ask again and he sighs.

"I will always protect you and Isla, I promise that. I can't say there will never be any danger, that's just the way life is, and not just because of the club. I will always keep my girls safe." He says as he pulls me close.

"Let's forget this for now, I'm sure you have a million questions and I'm not letting you leave until I know you feel better about all this." He says as he picks up Isla and I follow him downstairs.

Isaak and I had a long talk and while I told him I felt better, as I lie in bed unable to sleep I can't help but worry. He said he will make sure we're safe, but I don't care about me, I just want Isla to be safe.

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