Chapter 26 - Imelda

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Isaak is amazing. I had no idea what he went through in his childhood, it's heartbreaking. It shows just how incredibly strong he is to put all that pain aside to be a good father for Isla.

"Thank you for tonight." I smile as I try to help Isaak clean up the kitchen, Isla has fallen asleep in her highchair.

"It wasn't as bad as I expected." He shrugs as he turns to load the dishwasher.

"I think my mom was impressed by the house, I don't think she expected it to be so Isla friendly." I laugh, I think she was hoping for a death trap bachelor pad, not this amazing family home.

"What was she expecting? Stripper poles and motorcycles in the living room?" He asks seriously and I laugh

"Actually, that sounds good, is it too late to remodel?" He asks and I only laugh harder.

"Shall we get princess to bed?" Isaak asks as we both look at our sleeping daughter

"Yep, you grab her I'll start hopping up the stairs." I reply as I grab my crutches

"You don't need to hop, you grab Isla." He says and I look at him skeptically but still I lift Isla from her high chair. I bite my lip to hold back the squeal when he picks me up as I hold sleeping Isla and he makes his way upstairs

"Now you're just showing off." I whisper and he smirks. After getting Isla settled in bed Isaak carried me back downstairs and set me on the couch before disappearing into the kitchen. A few minutes later he comes back with a bowl of popcorn, a beer and what looks like a glass of wine

"You know I can't drink on my meds." I say as he sets the glass on the coffee table in front of me

"I know, it's juice, it was Natalie's idea." He smirks as he lifts my legs, sits down and rests them on his lap.

"We used to do that all the time while I was pregnant." I laugh

"I hate that I missed that. What was it like, the pregnancy?" He asks with a hint of sadness in his eyes

"To be honest, it was surprisingly easy, I felt nauseous for the first four months but was only sick a handful of times and although the thought of having a baby terrified me I actually enjoyed being pregnant." I smile and place my hand on my stomach where Isla once was

"And Natalie was with you when you gave birth?" He asks

"Yep, we did the classes together and she came with me to my ultrasounds. She swears I nearly broke her fingers when I was pushing and then she cut the cord." I reply

"It kills me that I missed my daughter being born." He sighs

"But you're here now and you're an amazing father Isaak. I still have pictures from my ultrasounds, next time we're at my apartment I'll show you." I reply and he nods. We settle down to watch a movie, he offered to watch a rom com of my choice, but I insisted he picked this time for being so good to me and I'll make him suffer next time.

That's pretty much how it's been for the last week. Isaak helps me get around the house, whilst taking care of Isla together, he's driven me to my appointments, he took us to the clubhouse so Isla can play with the kids and I could hang out with the girls. We seem to be settling into a routine and I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. Isla having both her parents every day and I enjoy spending my evenings with him too. I'm feeling so conflicted, because Tom has asked if he can see me, if I feel up to a date, as soon as he asked I was disappointed I wouldn't spend the evening with Isaak. I'm a terrible person, I feel like I'm just leading Tom on. So I'm going to end things with us.

"I need to ask you something and I feel weird." I say nervously as we sit on the couch

"Sure, I can give you a sponge bath if you need it." Isaak smirks as he winks at me

"Thanks for the offer, but Nat has been helping me shower." I reply laughing

"Even better." He says wiggling his eyebrows and I laugh

"Gee thank you, but no. Would you mind being here with Isla alone tomorrow night? I'll get Nat to take me, but Tom wants to see me." I explain

"You haven't mentioned him all week I figured you'd brushed him off by now." Isaak replies turning to face me

"No, it's just been a lot happening this week with everything going on." I shrug

"I've gotta say, I've loved the way things have been this week, the three of us together every day and night." Isaak says

"I have too, I love that Isla has both of us." I smile

"Then why are you running off to that idiot, when you clearly don't feel anything for him?" He snaps and I lift my legs off his lap to sit up straight

"What the hell has it got to do with you who I see? The only time your opinion counts is when he becomes involved with Isla and I'm not asking that." I reply pointing at him

"Come on Imelda, you've been seeing this guy for months and yet you forgot about him like that." He snaps his fingers "I sat by your bed as soon as you got out of surgery and I've been by your side ever since, how can you not see that it's not just because we have a kid together?" He says standing from the couch

"What are you trying to say? We only slept together once Isaak and you don't even remember it!" I yell

"I remember! I remember every little detail Imelda!" He yells and I gasp.

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