Chapter 32 - Imelda

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Isaak is acting really weird today. He suggested we go to the park with Isla for lunch before we take her to Cordelias for tonight. But he seems off and he's been really quiet. Is it because I stopped him touching me last night? He didn't seem mad at the time, but maybe he's not used to a girl saying no. He's been so kind and patient these past few months it can't be that.

"Want me to help you put the bags in the truck?" I ask

"No, you stay here with Isla while I load up." He replies sharply before walking off. Is it my leg? It's almost healed and feels a lot better, but maybe he's worried about hurting me tonight when we finally have sex.

I heard him talking on the phone this morning, but as soon as he heard me moving around he disappeared so I couldn't hear what was said. Maybe something is going on with his club distracting him and nothing to do with me.

We all get in the truck and the drive to the park is silent, there's definitely something up with him. He parks the truck and I climb out before making my way around to the trunk

"You get Isla, I'll get the stroller." Isaak says pointing to the back door of the truck. I lift Isla out of her car seat and sit her in her stroller as Isaak pulls out the hamper and quickly closes the trunk. He takes my hand as we walk through the park and he guides me to sit on a bench. We eat in silence too as Isla plays with her toy and I'm starting to worry it's me that's upset him again.

"Isla and I need to get something from the truck, stay here." Isaak says as he helps Isla to her feet and I watch as they walk off together, there goes my family I smile. My cell buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to see a text from Isaak

Isaak: Close your eyes.

I look around but I can't see them, I hesitate but then I close my eyes. I hear footsteps approaching

"Keep them closed." Isaak says and I laugh, but keep my eyes closed

"What's going on?" I ask but he doesn't answer.

"You can open your eyes now." Isaak says and I gasp at them in front of me. Isaak is on one knee with a box in his hand and Isla is holding a sign that reads 'Mommy will you marry my Daddy?'

"I know you might think it's soon, but now I know you love me I don't want to wait anymore, I've loved you for a long time. I called your father this morning and asked his permission, I want you to be my wife and I want you and Isla to have my last name." He takes my left hand and looks up at me. I look to Isla standing perfectly and holding up her sign, smiling at me. I can't hold back tears as I nod my head furiously unable to get my words out. He slips the huge rock onto my finger then lifts Isla up with one arm and wraps the other around me, we're a family, Isla has a family like I always wanted for her.

"I was terrified all morning you'd say it was too soon and shoot me down." He laughs as he releases me

"I can't believe you called my dad." I laugh as he sets Isla down and sits beside me

"Bella mentioned it's something you talked about when you were younger, so I knew I had to do it. He said if you say yes they want to take us out to celebrate tomorrow." He replies and I laugh

"I wanted to do it here, this bench is where I first held Isla." He says and I smile

"It's perfect, I love you." I say

"I love you too." He replies before kissing me softly.

"You're fucking kidding me." Scarlett gasps as she sprays beer over the table

"Scarlett, language." Cordelia scolds pointing to Isla, Lily and Jessica as they sit together on the floor of the clubhouse playing.

"I'm not sorry, that statement warrants a few f-bombs." Scarlett says before looking from Cordelia back to me

"You're telling me that Ice, the biggest whore on the planet, and yes I included myself in that." Scarlett says pointing to Cordelia before she can cut in

"He proposed to you, in the cutest way ever I might add, and you haven't had sex yet?" Scarlett clarifies

"Well, obviously we had sex before to have Isla, but no, since we got together we haven't had sex." I reply

"I just.... I mean he's.... and yet...." Scarlett looks to Isaak at the bar with some of the guys

"It means our boy has completely grown up and has a family." Cordelia says patting Scarlett on the shoulder

"I never thought I'd see it." Scarlett shrugs

"I'm happy for you though. We haven't even had Evie's bachelorette yet and now you and Adeline are engaged too. You know what this means, triple threat bachelorette with like one hundred male strippers just getting down and dirty." Scarlett begins dancing and grinding and Cordelia and I laugh.

"Looks like Ice isn't too happy about that idea." Cordelia says and the look on his face only makes me laugh harder.

"Honestly I think we're all still a little shocked that Ice is actually settling down, but anyone can see how in love with you he is and we're happy for you." Cordelia says squeezing my hand.

"Now go home and get laid Mommy, Isla will be fine with us." Scarlett says pointing to the three girls. I laugh as I get up from the table and sit down beside Isla. She's too busy playing to pay much attention to me, so I just watch her play with Lily and Jessica. Isla already has friends and she's going to grow with them, it makes me so happy. I kiss Isla on her forehead and tell her to have fun before I make my way to Isaak

"You ready to get out of here?" He asks as he wraps his arm around me and I nod. He says goodbye to the guys before we head out to his truck.

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