Chapter 19 - Ice

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! Family party is in full swing and I'm hiding in the garden after hearing my 80 year old mother in law say to my 18 & 17 year old niece and nephew "You don't look at the mantle when you're poking the fire." That has done me in 😂😂😂 So have another chapter! Hopefully Ice will be poking the fire soon.

"Isaak, did we make plans?" Imelda asks as she lets me in her apartment

"No, but I knew you weren't working so I thought I would take my girls to breakfast." I smile as I take Isla out of Imelda's arms

"What do you say princess? Want to go out for breakfast with mommy and daddy?" I ask before covering her cute little cheeks with kisses as she giggles

"Alright, I'll be ready in a few minutes." Imelda says as she walks off towards her bedroom, I can't help myself from checking out those long legs as she walks away.

I park my truck outside the diner and lift Isla out of her car seat, I have to bend down to take her hand so she can walk beside me, but I love seeing her walk. I was there when she took her first steps, Cordelia and Imelda were having a play date with Isla and Lily and I went to Cordelias house after work, while we were talking we turned around and Isla was doing it, I was so proud. I'm determined I'm not going to be like my father, I'm going to make sure Isla knows I love her and that I'll always be there for her. Maybe Cordelia is right, maybe me becoming a dad is making me a better man.

"We should probably talk about what happened the other night." Imelda says after the waitress has taken our order

"Look, I get it, Isla has to come first and you don't want to complicate things, but you should know I'm always going to care about you because you are the mother of my child. What's say we just forget it happened and let things stay the way they are?" Even though that's the opposite of what I want, I know that's what she needs to hear, I need to show her that I'm not the idiot who threw her away when she needed me the most.

"Thank you, I'm so embarrassed." She blushes as she buries her face in her hands

"Well after breakfast there's somewhere I want to take you both." I say changing the subject. Imelda relaxed after that and breakfast was great, laughing and giggling, until the waitress came over with the check

"Your little family is so cute, you're a lucky girl to tie this one down, lord knows half the town has tried." Man she's lucky I don't hit women

"Oh lucky me, I won the lotto." Imelda growls

I try my best to stifle my laughter as the waitress practically rubs away

"Sorry, I didn't mean..."

"That was awesome." I smirk as I lift Isla out of her seat and we head back to my truck. We drive in comfortable silence for a while, apart from the hip hop on the stereo for Isla, and I soon park up on the driveway

"Why are we here?" Imelda asks confused but I don't answer, just climb out of the truck and take Isla out of her seat. Imelda follows me inside the house and upstairs until we get to the second bedroom

"What's going on Isaak?" She asks as I set Isla on her feet

"I bought this house and thought this would be perfect for Isla's bedroom." I smile as I look around the empty room. I look back to Imelda but instead of smiling she's crying

"Hey what's the matter? I thought you would like it" I ask as I pull her into my arms

"It's just... her first bedroom, it's great and the house looks beautiful but she's going to hate my shitty apartment." She cries against my chest as she wraps her arms around my waist

"Well the house has three bedrooms, you could live here too, if you wanted, then Isla would always sleep in her bedroom." I doubt she's going to like that, but when I was looking at houses, I did think about a room for Imelda, even if I want her in my bed.

"Wouldn't that be weird? Us living together?" She asks looking up at me

"Well think about it." I shrug as I wipe her tears with my thumb

"Come on, let me give my girls a tour." I say as I pick up Isla and guide Imelda through the house. We head out through the kitchen and onto the large deck

"There's a huge lawn for any toys she wants and check out the view." I say as we look out over the lake

"This place is amazing Isaak." Imelda says as I put Isla down and she starts running through the grass

"Well now I need to ask you for help." I say as we sit on the edge of the deck

"The guys are coming over at the weekend to help me fence off the property so it's secure for Isla, but I need your help to make the house safe and to decorate her bedroom, I can pay you in wine?" I joke and she laughs

"Isla has her own bedroom, it's perfect, of course I'll help." She replies

"Oh and the best part, see that house in the trees over there." I say as I point to our left, where you can just make out a house through the tree line

"Reaper and Evie live there, so if I'm here by myself with Isla and need help they're right there."

"You don't need help you're great with her." Imelda says leaning against me

"I wanted to talk to you about Isla too." I say and she looks up at me

"When you're working on the weekends I thought maybe I could take her instead of your mom. I don't want mama Vasquez pissed at me, but if it's cool with you?" I ask

"Of course, she's as much mine as yours, I want her to be close with her daddy. God, you're so different from the guy I slapped in the clubhouse six months ago." She laughs

"Well I have my girls to thank for that." I say as I pull her in for a hug.

"Oh I wonder if the girls are free to go shopping? I love what Cordelia did with Lily's room." Imelda smiles and I groan, the last thing I need is a shopping trip with the old ladies.

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