Chapter 13 - Ice

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"Damn thought I was gonna get a cat fight." Ace says watching the girls talk. Looks like Imelda managed to piss off Scarlett.

"She didn't reach for her gun Imelda is safe." Knuckles replies casually

"Your woman knows how to make an impression like you huh?" Reaper smirks

"She's not my woman." I reply

"Then I am definitely taking a swing at that, you see those legs and ass in that dress?" Ace groans

"And if she's as skilled as her best friend she'll be fucking awesome in bed." Socket replies lighting a cigarette

"Oh yeah, I'll be fucking her by sun up tomorrow. You baby sitting while I plow that Ice?" Ace smirks but Socket pulls me back before I can wipe the smirk off his face.

"Relax, Killer gave me a hundred bucks to get you back for all the shit you've said to Cordelia over the years." Ace laughs

"I'm doing it for free." Reaper smirks

"I wonder if my son would like your daughter? You cool with that?" Reaper asks and I groan

"give me a fucking smoke if I gotta put up with this shit all night." I say holding my hand up to Socket who hands me a cigarette and I light up

"What did I miss?" Doc asks as he approaches us

"Looks like your woman played peace maker before Scarlett tore Imelda a new one." Ace says

"Wow, I would've been less surprised to find Addy and Scarlett taking turns beating her." Doc replies

"Where you been anyway?" Bullet asks as he takes a beer from the cooler and hands it to Doc

"What can I say, my woman needs me, I'm happy to help." He shrugs taking the beer. He would never socialise like this at parties, Doc always used to keep to himself, but since he got with Adeline he's always got a big damn smile on his face. Must be because he's finally getting laid. I've got the biggest case of blue balls I've ever had in my life. I went to Scars a couple of nights after I first spent time with Isla and Diamond called me Daddy, I haven't been able to get hard for the girls since. I'm sure it's terminal.

"There you go, we don't need to rescue Ice's girl." Socket says as all the girls laugh.

"How's it looking?" Killer asks as he walks up to us

"Almost and then Addy saved the day." Bullet replies

"Good, last thing I need is the twins getting more wrestling tips from their mom." Killer replies

"Hey Ice, you saving Isla for one of my handsome boys?" Killer asks and I groan

"Her eighteenth birthday party is just going to be a pile of men fighting to be front of the line for a date with precious Isla." Knuckles smirks

"I get it, I say bad shit, but just end my suffering for fucks sake." I reply

"Oh, looks like some one is beating you to Mommy Ace." Socket says and I look up to see Imelda talking to BFG and then laughing. Then he wraps his arm around her and takes her inside the clubhouse

"What the fuck?" I growl as I hand Socket my beer and follow after them. I walk into the bar and there's no sign of them, where the fuck did they go? I'm about to head upstairs searching rooms when I hear her laughter coming from the end of the hall.

"Thank you Derek." She smiles as she steps out of Circuits room

"What's going on?" I ask as they stop in front of me

"I needed to change Isla, Skye offered her room but I didn't know where I was going and Derek offered to show me." Imelda explains

"Derek?" I ask looking at BFG

"I'm sorry he's shorter than me I can't call him that it's mean." She shrugs and she lifts Isla and steps closer, but then hesitates

"Have you been smoking?" She asks

"Yeah I have." I reply

"Well you need to shower before you touch Isla, I'm not having all those chemicals near our daughter." Imelda says before pushing passed me and heading outside

"Watch yourself." I warn BFG

"Oh please, She isn't claimed, with a body like that and a club like ours, there's plenty of guys gonna make a move on that. Only way to stop it is a property vest." BFG says before walking off after Imelda. The rest of the day was less of a pain in the ass, all of the club met Imelda and Isla and Imelda didn't seem too freaked out by my club. She laughed with the old ladies while I hung out with the guys.

"It's getting late, can you take me and Isla home?" She asks and I nod as I take a sleeping Isla from her and guide her to the truck I bought a couple of weeks ago. Cordelia didn't think my idea of a car seat strapped to the back of my bike was funny, so I bought a truck for when I see Isla. I strap her into her car seat and pump my fist when I don't wake her up before climbing in the drivers seat.

In the month I've been getting to know Isla and Imelda she's never let me inside her apartment building, she either makes me pick her up from her friends or meets me somewhere.

"Let me help." I whisper pointing to Isla sleeping, Imelda reluctantly nods before climbing out of the truck. I lift out Isla's car seat and follow Imelda up to her apartment. The hall is just as the last time I was here, loud music from somewhere, shitty lightly, stains and ripped flooring. Imelda opens the door and I follow her inside

"Thank you, I can take it from here." Imelda smiles

"You mind if I help put her to bed? I haven't done that yet." I won't be changing a diaper anytime soon, but the hint of guilt on her face proves it worked and she nods as I unbuckle Isla and lift her up onto my chest. Her head rests against my leather cut as she sleeps on me. I really do love this kid and I'm gonna make sure she has a better childhood than I did, starting with this shitty apartment and her crappy car.

I step into a bedroom and see the crib in the corner, with a bed on the other side, I gently place Isla down and Imelda and I watch her for a few minutes before stepping out into the main room, which is living room, dining room and kitchen all rolled into one tiny room

"Why do you live in this building?" I ask and she looks at me confused

"What's wrong with my apartment?" She asks guardedly

"Nothing, it's just shouldn't Isla have her own room with pink shit everywhere?" I ask and she sighs as she sits at the little table

"I'm not moving just because you don't like my apartment Ice." She replies

"Not trying to make you move, it's just I don't have my own place, I live at the clubhouse. But I want her to have her own room full of whatever she wants." I reply

"In all honesty, I want that too." She smiles as she reaches across the table and places her hand on mine.

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