Chapter 10 - Imelda

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"I think your toy is back." I call as I listen to the motorcycle outside

"Oh shit." Natalie says as she looks through the peephole

"It's Ice." She says turning to look at me

"If you want me to get rid of him I will." She says but I shake my head

"It's ok, he must have a million questions and I can't hide forever." I say as I grab my sweater and make my way to the front door. I open up to find him standing there, Socket said he was a mess and he does look tired, is it bad I hoped he'd be a sobbing mess racked with guilt?

"Can I talk to you?" He asks and I nod as I step outside to sit on the porch. We sit in silence for a few minutes, I don't think either of us know how to approach this

"Were you alone?" He asks and I turn to look at him

"I was talking to the girls at the club, they all have kids and said they couldn't do it without their men." He explains

"Well, Natalie was with me when I gave birth and my sister is really supportive, my mom has Isla when I work, so I guess I do a lot of it on my own, but I'm not alone." I reply

"What's her name?" He asks

"Isla Valentina Vasquez. Valentina after my grandmother. And when my mother Isolda met my father Ignacio she believed it was fate that their names both started with the letter I so she started a tradition that I wanted to continue, that's why I picked Isla." I explain

"Huh, my name starts with I." He replies

"Ice?" I ask

"No. My real name is Isaak. Isaak Karlsson. You can call me Isaak instead of Ice, if you prefer." He says, we talk for a while, I answer his questions like her birthday, what she likes and anything else I can think of to tell him about her.

"I need to apologise to you, for everything. I'm sorry I was an asshole when you tried to tell me you were pregnant and I'm sorry I was an asshole when you did tell me the other day, I was so shocked by it, but nothing can justify the way I've treated you." He says taking my hand in his

"Do you think you could give me a chance? To prove how sorry I am, can I meet Isla?" He asks

"She's asleep right now, but you can look at her if you promise not to wake her and we can meet up another day if you like, when she's awake." I say and he smiles

"So now you believe she's yours?" I ask taking my hand back

"I'm so sorry, Cordelia kicked my ass for saying that, I just didn't think I could've got you pregnant because I always use protection." He sighs

"They aren't one hundred percent, it could've broken, I stopped birth control when I split up with my ex." I reply

"She has your eyes. She has my dark skin and hair, but her eyes are the brightest blue, just like yours." I smile as I look into those blue eyes

"Come on." I say as I tug his hand and he follows me inside. We head to Nats guest room where Isla is sleeping peacefully in her travel crib

"She's tiny." He whispers and I nod. I watch him as he just stares at our daughter. Our daughter, that sounds so weird. I have no idea how this is going to work but I can already see the love in his eyes, I have to let him be involved in her life, for both of them.

"You'll let me see her again?" He asks as I close the bedroom door

"I'm working the next two days, but how about Sunday? We could meet in the park, she loves it there." I reply

"Perfect. You don't have a car, do you need help getting around?" He asks and I shake my head

"I don't want anything from you Isaak. I manage fine." I reply

"I know and I know I fucked up, but I want to help if you need it, it's the least I can do." He says defeatedly

"Natalie is going to help me until I can get my car fixed. I'll be fine. We'll see you on Sunday." I say as we walk to the front door. He steps outside and we both hover

"Thank you for giving me a chance, I won't screw this up." He says as he bends and wraps his arms around my waist, I don't know what to do with my arms so I just pat him on the shoulder. He lets me go and I watch him walk to his motorcycle before I close the door. The sob I had been holding rips through me as I collapse to the floor against the front door

"Hey what happened? It sounded like it went well." Nat says as she sits beside me and pulls me into her arms

"You should've seen the love in his eyes as he watched her sleep. I never should've kept him away from her, he's missed so much and it's all my fault." I cry

"No. This is not on you Immy, if he hadn't been such an asshole you would've told him and you would have let him in from the start. This is all on him for the way he behaved. Don't you dare waste tears on him." Nat says

"When you go to the park on Sunday I'm coming with you, if he is an asshole I will kill him." Nat says as I dry my tears

"I have to give him a chance, I'm not letting my guard down, but I can't stop him from seeing her." I reply

"Well that doesn't mean you don't need back up. Even if Ice turns out to be the perfect dad, mommy and Isla still need Auntie Nat." She smiles

"What would I do without you?" I smile as I wipe my wet cheeks

"Well, you'd manage, but your life would suck without me." She smirks and I laugh.

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