Chapter 30 - Imelda

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"Stop checking your cell they're fine." Skye says to Indigo. They managed to get her to come to the party, but she's not happy

"I'm just checking." Indigo replies

"They're fine, Stacey, my mom and Skye's mom are with all the kids at my house, everything will be fine sweetie." Cordelia tries to reassure her

"My sister is with Isla and I'm still checking my cell every five minutes, but everything will be fine." I say to Indigo and she nods

"Forget baby drama when are the hotties and my brother getting here?" Scarlett asks Adeline

"They'll be here any minute." Adeline replies

"Who?" I ask looking around confused

"Addy invited her team and my brother to the party and they're staying for a few days so my brother can see his niece and I can perve over her team." Scarlett smiles dreamily

"Oh the hot guys you showed me pictures of?" I ask and Scarlett nods.

"Well while we're waiting for our entertainment, when are you getting a property cut girl?" Izzy asks

"Yeah if Ice is dragging his heels we can soon set him straight." Skye says cracking her knuckles and I laugh

"I'm the one dragging my heels, he says he wants it all but I asked him to go slow for me." I reply

"Well what are you waiting for?" Evie asks. I don't know, what am I waiting for? I love the way life has been lately, being a family. And Isaak has been great, when we're alone he can't keep his hands off me yet he's still being respectful of my need to wait. What the hell am I doing?

"Ok if that was too tough a question where's your property tattoo going? I can fit you in in the next couple of weeks." Evie says. Isaak explained about the tattoo and although I don't have any tattoos I'm not opposed to the idea

"I haven't thought about it yet, what helped you guys decide?" I ask

"I got mine on my stomach because getting shot in the stomach is what lead me to meeting Knuckles." Scarlett says lifting her shirt to show her tattoo

"I got mine on my arm so everyone could see." Skye says lifting her sleeve

"I got mine on my chest to show I'm not afraid of my scar." Evie says pointing to the tattoo visible at the top of the neck line of her shirt

"I guess maybe my leg? Because the accident brought us closer?" I suggest

"That sounds good, I'll sketch it up next time I'm in work and we'll do it as soon as you're ready." Evie replies.

"Aaah! You made it!" Addy hollers as she runs around the table behind me. I look up and see six mountains of male above me, they are hot. I watch as the guys spread out greeting all the girls

"And who is this beautiful lady?" A gorgeous tall hunk of a man says looking down at me

"This is Imelda, we used to work together at the hospital." Cordelia says as he takes my hand

"Paul Martinelli, pleasure to meet you Imelda." He says bringing my hand to his lips, am I blushing? I think I'm blushing.

"Are you a nurse too? Because I could do with a little medical attention." He winks and I'm sure my face is bright red

"Nelli, Put her down Soldier that girl is taken." Adeline says

"Damn, all these beautiful women and you've already been snapped up. It breaks my heart." He says hand on heart and fluttering his eyelashes.

"It's nice to meet you." I finally regain control of my functions and smile up at him

"The fuck is going on here?" I look up and see Isaak storming towards us, anger written all over his face.

"Don't worry I've been warned and I'm backing off." Nelli says backing away with his hands up

"My mans not jealous is he?" I gasp as he hovers above me

"Hell Yeah I'm jealous I'm the only one allowed to touch you." He growls before his lips crash against mine. Isaak releases me from the breathtaking kiss and I giggle as Scarlett whistles.

Adelines team are off dancing with girls and I laugh as Scarlett and Skye drool over them, good job Natalie isn't here or she'd be all over them. I'm having fun tonight even though I can't dance too much because of my leg.

"What is that skank doing here?" Indigo asks and I turn to see a short blonde with enormous breasts almost popping out of the tiniest dress I've ever seen

"Well tonight just got more fun." Scarlett smirks

"Who is she?" I ask Cordelia

"That's Cherry, shes umm.. well she hangs around the club and she has slept with pretty much everyone. The girls don't like her because she tries it on with our men, Killer has warned her, but I kind of feel sorry for her because she has no where to go." Cordelia explains. Cherry looks around the club for a few seconds and then heads straight for me

"So your the bitch who stole my man." She glares down at me

"What?" I ask confused

"Ice was going to make me his old lady and then you came along and took him from me." She yells

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah, Ice is in love with me and as soon as he's done with you, he'll come right back to me." She smirks crossing her arms over her chest

"Ok then. Why don't you go and ask him." I shrug

"What?" Her turn to be confused

"Well if you're so sure, who am I to stand in the way of true love? Go get your man." I point to the group of guys and notice they're all looking at me

"Fine, I will." She huffs before stomping towards them

"I have a gun behind the bar and I know a good place to hide a body." Scarlett says

"It's fine." I shrug

"You are way too calm. If that were me I'd be beating her ass." Skye says glaring at Cherry's back

"Honestly, I know Ice has slept with a lot of women, but these past months he's done nothing to make my doubt him, just because my ex cheated doesn't mean he will. And I'm kind of curious to see how he'll handle it." I laugh

"That's evil. I love it." Scarlett smirks

"Well let's enjoy the show." Evie says as we all turn to look at the guys.

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