Chapter 21 - Ice

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! You know your brain is fried when your four month old sleeps better than you! Can't sleep tonight so I'm gifting a chapter, hope you enjoy xxx

I knew I should've been more open with Imelda about the club. Truth is part of me didn't know how to explain and part of me was scared she'd take off running with my kid.

I seriously have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, or how I feel about Imelda, that last part is a lie.

"What you doing here? I figured you'd be sleeping in your own home." Cordelia says sitting down beside me

"Nah, I just dropped Isla and Imelda at home, I only bought the place for Isla." I reply as I sip from my beer

"My boys all grown up." She smirks as I roll my eyes.

"So Imelda was very quiet after you girls finished your shopping, want to tell me what you told her?" I ask and now she's rolling her eyes

"All of us figured you would've told her about the club by now, it's been what eight months? She's part of the family you shouldn't have kept her in the dark so long." Cordelia replies.

"I just didn't know how to tell her." I shrug

"Look the club is great overall, we do a lot to help the community but she needed to know it's not all charity rides and clinics in case something happened. She's on her own out in the open and is an easy target. Remember how quick Dragon was to use me to get to Killer? I was on my own, but she has Isla with her, she needs to know to be more vigilant." Cordelia explains what I already knew

"Why do you think I bought that house?" I reply and she sighs

"Well when are you gonna get over it and tell her how you feel you big dumbass?" She asks

"How do you know how I feel about Imelda?" I ask narrowing my eyes at her

"Oh come on, it's me. You know I know everything going on in this place, like I know Socket is sleeping with Natalie again and I know he's pretending he's cool keeping it casual. And I know from the way you look at Imelda, she's not just the mother of your child, you're in love with her." She says poking my chest

"I think love is a bit strong, but I definitely care about her." I say holding my hands up

"You boys are all the same." She rolls her eyes as she hops off the stool

"The sooner you pull your head out your ass and tell Imelda you love her the sooner we can have even more babies running round, I'm gonna turn this clubhouse into a day care." She cackles as she walks away and I shake my head.

"You're sure you'll be ok?" Imelda asks as she stands by the front door of my house

"I'll be fine, it's not the first time I've been alone with her you know." I smirk

"I know, you know what I'm like." She smiles

"I know, but we'll be fine and I'll text you updates all day, you're coming back for dinner after your shift right?" I ask and she nods

"Ok, have fun." She smiles as she walks away to her car.

"My mom is on stand by if you need her." She calls as she opens the door to her SUV

"We'll be fine, Evie is right there, she said she might bring Callum by later anyway." I reply and she nods before reluctantly climbing in her car and driving away.

Today is the first time I've got Isla by myself at the new house while Imelda is at work. Usually when I have Isla it's at the clubhouse so there's always people around to help out, I'm a little nervous, but I didn't want to tell Imelda that. Isla is my daughter and I want to get used to taking care of her like a good father, the opposite of mine.

Isla and I are in the yard testing out the new swing set I just built for here when I spot Evie coming out of the house

"Hey guys, having fun?" She smiles as Callum toddles beside her. Evie helps Callum get into the other swing next to Isla, Callum is only two months younger than Isla so they seem to enjoy playing together and Reaper really enjoys giving me shit about Callum dating Isla when they're older.

"Was Imelda terrified of leaving you two here this morning?" Evie asks and I smirk

"She was definitely worried." I reply

"I still worry about leaving Reaper with Callum, it's not about trust it's just he's my baby." Evie says

"I get it and I know it's worse for Imelda because she did the first six months by herself." I reply

"Yeah but you're definitely making up for it now, I'm amazed at how good a daddy you are, especially when you first held her you looked like she was gonna blow any minute, it's great." She smiles

"So when are you going to tell Imelda how you feel?" She asks and I groan

"Not you too, I've already had Cordelia up my ass about it." I reply

"Oh come on, it's so obvious, the only person who doesn't see it is Imelda and you need to tell her." She says

"Well she's seeing someone so there's no point. You and the rest of the old ladies need to drop it." I reply and Evie lets it drop.

After having lunch together Isla and Callum played together for a while before Evie took him home for a nap. Isla not long woke up from her nap and is now sitting in her chair at the kitchen table while I make dinner

"Hey guys." Imelda smiles as she walks into the kitchen

"Mama!" Isla shouts as Imelda drops her purse and shrugs out of her jacket before lifting Isla out of her seat and wrapping her arms around her

"How was your shift?" I ask as she walks around the island towards me

"It was ok, I lost a patient, but I'll be ok." She half smiles as her gaze drifts away before she snaps out of it and holds Isla closer

"I'm sorry. Dinner is almost ready." I say as I wrap my free arm around her and hug her before letting her go to stop the food from burning

"I'm impressed Isaak, I didn't know you could cook." She smiles as she moves to put Isla back in her seat

"Just one of my many talents." I smirk as I serve up.

As I lie on my back, the carpet rubbing the fuck out of my bare shoulders, I listen to the soft breathing of Isla and Imelda sleeping. Tonight was supposed to be the first night Isla spent with me so Imelda could sleep for work tomorrow, but whenever we tried to get Isla to sleep she would scream and cry, the only way to settle her was to lie down beside her crib, but then Imelda fell asleep too, probably exhausted from her shift.

This is what I want. Something I never thought I would ever want until Imelda and Isla came into my life. I want Imelda to come home to us and eat dinner with us and sleep with us. I want my family.

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