Chapter 24 - Imelda

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Oh my god everything hurts, but I feel all floaty at the same time. My throat feels all scratchy, Was I intubated? Oh man my leg, I can't feel my leg. The car! Isla!

"Isla!" I rasp as I try to reach out, I open my eyes but the light blinds me


"Imelda it's ok Isla's ok." I calm at the sound of Isaak's voice. I take a minute to let my eyes adjust and look over to him sitting in the chair beside my bed

"Where is she?" I ask as he takes my hand in his

"She was getting restless so your mom took her home so I could sit with you." He says as he pulls his cell out of his pocket and then turns it to me

"Hey, you're awake." Bella says as she waves at the screen

"Isla's fine but I think it all wore her out she's been asleep since we got home." She says and then she turns the camera around and shows me Isla sleeping in her travel crib and I feel my whole body relax

"Don't worry, she's fine with us, you just get better." Bella says before ending the call.

"Thank god she's ok." I sigh as tears roll down my cheeks. Isaak strokes my knuckles with his thumb as I relax back on the bed. I turn to look at him and see tears on his cheeks too

"Are you crying?" I ask as I let go of his hand to wipe them away

"No." He says sternly and I laugh as he sniffs and clears his throat

"I was so scared I was going to lose my girls today." He says as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed

"I don't know what I'd do without you two." He says as he wraps me gently in his arms. I reach up to stroke his hair as he holds me, I haven't felt this safe in a long time as I feel wrapped in his arms.

"Aww look at mommy and daddy." Nat says as she lets herself into the room, Isaak lets go of me to sit up but takes hold of my hand again. His touch feels so reassuring and I don't want him to let go

"How you feeling?" Nat asks as she sits on the other side of my bed

"The drugs are working pretty good." I say as I lift up my free hand and wave my IV

"Have they been in and updated you yet?" She asks and I shake my head

"Eugh I figured as much, I tried but you got stuck with Doc Emerson." She groans and I join in

"What's wrong with her doctor?" Isaak asks

"Nothing, just, he wouldn't be a doctor if daddy hadn't paid his way and he only uses his MD to get in girls pants, not to treat patients." Nat smirks

"What's the damage? How soon can I get out of here?" I ask

"Broke your tibia, had to have surgery. I'd avoid metal detectors and magnets for a while if I was you." Nat jokes and I groan

"Rod and nails?" I ask and she nods

"Damn. I want Lucas, he's the best PT. I need to get moving ASAP, between Isla and work." I sigh. I'm going to be super screwed if I miss work, I might have to beg my mom to let me move back in.

"I already called him, he's coming down in the morning, he thinks Emerson is an idiot too, so he's going to ignore him and write out a plan with you." Nat replies.

"What am I going to do on crutches with Isla? I'll never get her up the three flights to my apartment."

"We already thought of that, you're coming home with me." Isaak says and I turn from Natalie to him

"I can't do that, I don't want to put you out." I reply as his thumb strokes over my knuckles

"We already got it covered. Isla is used to her room at my house, you can take the guest room, Killer has covered me on the tow truck for as long as I need and Natalie will come over on her days off to help out. Your mom wasn't too impressed but I told her she's welcome anytime." He explains and I feel tears welling up again

"You'd do all that for me?" I ask

"Of course I would, I want to take care of my girls." He replies.

"Sorry to interrupt." I look up and see a police officer walk into the room

"Miss Vasquez, you think you're up to giving me a statement on the accident?" He asks and I nod

"I'm gonna run and get us some take out, hospital food sucks." Nat says before winking at me and heading out. I talk the officer through what I can remember and he tells me the truck that hit me was a drunk driver going through a red light.

"Where'd everyone go?" Nat asks coming back in with a paper bag hopefully full of burgers by the smell.

"The officer said he wanted to talk to Isaak about my car, I don't know, feed me." I shrug and pout before reaching for the food

"Well first off, since when were you and Isla 'his girls'" she air quotes as she unwraps a burger

"Oh that's just something he says, it doesn't mean anything." I shake my head before taking a bite of burger

"Hold up." Nat says as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out her pen light

"When did the blindness start? Before the accident?" She asks shining the light in my eyes

"Ha ha you're hilarious." I say dryly as I push her away

"I just can't believe you don't see it, he's totally in love with you. Did you know, he only stays at his house when you and Isla are there. Any other night he sleeps at the clubhouse." She says mouth full of food

"Who told you that?" I ask raising my eyebrow

"I saw him there the other night and Socket told me." She replies

"And what exactly is going on with you and Socket?" I smirk

"Hey now, don't try to distract me with my fuck buddy we're talking about you and the future Mr Vasquez out there." She says pointing to the door

"I'm sorry, but I just don't see it. Yes he's changed a lot from the play boy he was, but that's only because he's a father. Maybe he wants to get in my pants again because he can't remember the last time, but he would never want more and definitely not what I would want. There's no way I'd ruin Isla's relationship with her parents for that." I explain probably spitting burger all over her but I don't care

"I dunno, apparently no one has seen him with a girl since he found out about Isla. I bet his balls are dragging on the floor." She snorts, burger definitely flying across my bed.

"Besides, you should've seen him battling your mom, she was adamant she was taking you and Isla in and he refused to back down, he must care a fuck ton to battle Mama Vasquez." She adds. There's no way Isaak has feelings for me, surely? Well I'll never find out anyway because I can't do that to Isla.

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