Chapter 28 - Imelda

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! 40K views! I am amazed! I can't believe how high the views are, although the votes are a lot lower, so pretty please, with a sex scene on top, 🙏🏻 if you enjoy the chapter please like/vote! Anyway, now I've done that. I've had some lovely comments and messages today and I really love you guys ❤️ so after all the cliffhangers have an extra chapter, that I hope ends the way you want it to. Xxx

I have been such an idiot! As soon as Isaak told me how he feels about me and what he wants I felt it all. The spark, the raging inferno, the excitement and need. I never felt anything like that for Tom and I've just been leading him on. As soon as I end things with Tom I'm going straight home and throwing myself at Isaak.

"You comfortable? I'll be at the bar if you need me." Natalie says as she helps me into a booth. I thought meeting at a bar would be easier then getting stuck in a restaurant. I nod and watch as she walks over to the bar. I look around for a few minutes and laugh when I see a guy already hitting on Natalie, Socket won't like that. Nat was right I was blind about Isaak but she is just as bad with Socket.

"Sorry I'm late my meeting ran over." Tom says as he leans down to kiss me on the cheek before sitting opposite me.

"Did you get my message? That I want to talk?" I ask as the waitress places our drinks on the table

"Yes and I think I know what about." He replies, good this should make things easier

"You do?" I ask and he nods

"You're ready to take things further. What do you say we make a weekend of it? A nice hotel room, just you, me and room service." He smiles before taking a sip of his wine

"Oh Tom I'm sorry, but I don't think we should see each other anymore, it's not you, you're a nice guy, but I just don't feel that spark and I don't want to lead you on any further." I give the speech I practiced in my head, I've never had to break up with anyone before. He doesn't say anything just stares at me

"I hope seeing as our mothers are friends we can still be friends." I smile hoping to ease the building tension

"It's because I'm not a biker isn't it? Am I not bad boy enough for you? You know what Imelda you go ahead and fuck all the biker trash you want. Thank fuck I didn't wait for you. I've been sleeping around this whole time." He stands from the table and strides out the door as I stare at him in amazement

"Looks like you dodged a bullet there. What an asshole." Nat says sliding into the booth opposite me

"Want to get wasted and talk shit about him?" Nat asks and I laugh

"No, I think I want to go home to the only man who has treated me right." I reply as the waitress appears with the bill

"That asshole left me to pay for his wine." I laugh as I look at the bill

"Oh well, worth it to get rid of him." I shrug as I pull cash from my purse and Nat helps me up.

"So is mommy finally going to fuck daddy tonight?" Nat asks as she starts her car

"Nat! God." I laugh "Even though he declared his love for me and all the amazing things he said I asked him to go slow for me, and even with how I feel have you seen my leg? Makes sex a little tricky." I blush

"Oh please you could totally make that work. Just think how amazing the sex was last time." Nat replies.

"For the record, Ice pissed me off for how he treated you in the past but even I have seen how much he's changed and how much he cared about you while you were in the hospital, so he gets my approval." Nat says and I laugh

"He must be good to get your approval." I reply

"I'm pretty sure he is." She shrugs. The rest of the journey is silent but when we pull up at the house Isaak is standing by the front door waiting

"I'll give mommy and daddy some alone time." Nat winks as Isaak opens my door and helps me out of the car. He picks me up and juggles my crutches as we head inside and he lowers me onto the couch

"How did it go? If he was a jerk I'll kick his ass." Isaak says and I laugh

"Let's just say he revealed his true colours and I wish I'd done it sooner." I reply

"I just put Isla to bed, how about a movie?" He asks

"I don't feel like watching a movie." I blush as he raises an eyebrow at me. I squeal as he lifts me and pulls me into his lap

"Please tell me I can kiss you now." He growls and I barely have chance to nod before his lips are on mine. Warmth floods my whole body as my hands tangle in his hair and our lips move together. His fingers run up my spine and I can't help but shudder at his touch. His tongue darts out to trace my bottom lip and I willingly give him access, moaning softly at his taste. I can feel his hardness against my outer thigh as I sit on his lap, but instead of feeling nervous I only feel comforted by his touch. I feel loved and wanted and safe.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that." Isaak whispers as his rests his forehead against mine. He kisses me again, for what felt like seconds, but was a lot longer, I can't seem to get enough of him. I squeal as he picks me up and stands, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He walks upstairs but instead of going to the guest room he carries me to his room and puts me down on his bed

"What are you doing?" I ask as he goes over to his dresser

"You're mine now Imelda, no going back and I want you to sleep beside me." He says as he places one of his shirts next to me on the bed

"I'll go change in the bathroom, can you manage by yourself?" He asks and I nod. I watch as he disappears into the bathroom and slip out of my dress. I slip Isaak's shirt over my head before removing my bra, it smells like him and is huge on me, I hope he knows he's not getting this back.

A few minutes later he walks out of the bathroom in plaid pyjama pants and bare chested

"Hey I'm not a piece of meat." He says and I blush as I look from his chest to his eyes. He turns off the lights and climbs into bed beside me. He pulls me against his side and leans down to capture my lips again. After asking several times if I comfortable we settle down to sleep

"You can forget the guest room and your apartment. This is where you belong." Isaak says in the darkness and I think he's right.

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