Chapter 14 - Imelda

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"Oh my god this is too soon!" I gasp as Natalie helps me pick out decorations

"No it's not, our little princess is one in two weeks." Nat smiles. Isaak and I had a big fight because he wanted her birthday party at the clubhouse and I wanted it at my moms house, but my mom wouldn't let bikers into her home. So we're having the party at Natalie's house, my family and bikers all included.

My mom still has Isla while I work but she is more angry I had a baby with Ice than when I said I didn't know who the father was. Those two meeting went terribly, but my sister likes him.

"Is Socket coming?" Natalie asks and I laugh

"I think so, I told Isaak to invite the whole club, they're all family to Isla." I reply

"Good, I haven't had a decent orgasm in months, I wonder if I can't drag him to my room for an after party." Natalie smirks and I shake my head as I ignore the people around us staring at Nat. My cell buzzes in my pocket and I quickly answer


"Hey mommy, how's it going?" I smile at Isaaks voice

"It's going just fine, almost done. Is daddy doing ok with little princess?" I ask

"Well, Daddy may have accidentally found one tiny little piece of candy and it may have fallen into Isla's mouth." Isaak gasps and I laugh

"Daddy!" I hear in the background, luckily her first word wasn't an F-bomb, it was 'Hi' followed soon by mama and daddy.

"You must excuse me mommy, princess needs her knight in shining armour." Isaak says dramatically

"You mean Colt?" I ask and he groans

"Those Jackson boys aren't touching my princess." He says sternly and I laugh

"Well we won't be too long, have fun daddy!" I say before ending the call.

"Ok that's just creepy." Nat says as I turn back to her

"What?" I shrug as I turn back to picking banners out

"You and Ice, it's super weird." Nat says waving her hand at me

"No it's not, at first we were super awkward and now we're friends. Us being friends is going to be great for Isla as she gets older." I reply

"But he's like a huge ass man slut outlaw biker and he calls you Mommy." Nat cringes

"Only because we're excited Isla started saying it." I reply

"You two need to get it over with and fuck again." Nat says casually to another round of dirty looks

"Nope, definitely not happening, there's nothing there, no attraction, no jealousy, nothing. We're friends raising a little girl together." I reply

"Have you told him about Tom yet?" Nat asks and I sigh

"No, it's too new. I'll tell Isaak if I think it's going to be serious and before I even consider letting Tom meet Isla." I reply

"Third date though girl, no granny panties." Nat says as she smacks my hip

"Definitely not. Last time I jumped into bed with someone I got Isla. I am picking my sexual partners a lot more carefully from now on and it takes a lot more than a third date." I reply

"Better tell him before he finds out from some one else." Nat says but I decide to change the subject. After spending far too much on decorations we pile into Nats car and head back to her house to unload it all. My car has broken down yet again, so I'm using Nat and Isaak as a taxi service until it's fixed. This is the third time it's broken down and I'm struggling to pay for it, but I caved and let Isaak use his discount to knock a little off the repair bills.

Nat drops me off at the clubhouse and I walk inside to find Isla playing with Lilly, Callum and Evie.

"Where's Isaak... Ice?" I ask Evie as I bend down to greet Isla

"Mama!" She says as she smiles up at me

"He's in the garage talking to Bullet about your car." Evie says

"Mind if I leave Isla here?" I ask as I stand back up

"Yeah go, they're having fun." She smiles before I head outside

"Don't tell me, it's expensive?" I sigh as I walk up to Bullet and Isaak

"I can't fix it." Bullet says

"Oh no." I sigh as I lower my head

"The whole engine needs rebuilding, you need to give in and buy a new car." Bullet says looking between me and Isaak

"But until you can get a new car, take one of our spare trucks, they sit there more than they're used so it's no problem." Bullet says reading my mind

"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods

"How's Indigo doing?" I ask and he smiles

"She's nervous, but good. She's three days over now, so it could happen anytime." Bullet beams. I've gotten to know the club a lot better in the past couple of months and Bullet is so excited to become a dad to their little girl. Indigo is terrified to go to hospital so Cordelia is helping her deliver at the clinic, I told them I was on standby if they need an extra hand.

"Guess we need to go car shopping." Isaak says pulling me from my thoughts

"How long can I borrow the truck for?" I ask biting my lower lip

"Why?" He asks, discussions of money never go well between us, I just about get by, where as Isaak has money, but I still can't let myself accept it from him

"Because Isla's party wiped out the little bit I had saved." I wince waiting for his reaction

"Well then let me pay for my daughters party." Isaak says

"You know I still have the cash you threw at me in front of the whole club, that could start your new car fund." Isaak smirks

"You still have that? You asshole." I say as I slap his arm

"Come on, lets figure out a way to get you a car that is safe for my girls to ride in." Isaak says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and guides me into the bar.

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