Chapter 29 - Ice

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! I've just finished the epilogue for this story and I'm so sad it's ended 😫 Hope you enjoy xxx

It's been a couple of months since Imelda finally became mine and I can't keep my hands off her, except for around Isla, we agreed to hang back on letting Isla see us together, in case it confuses her. Well, I agreed with Imelda to keep her happy but I meant what I said, there's no going back Imelda is mine for the rest of our lives.

Tonight Bella is babysitting while we go to a club party at Scars to celebrate Doc and Adeline getting engaged. Hopefully soon the club will be celebrating Imelda and I getting engaged. But I promised to take things slow for her and I will. She still hasn't told me she loves me and we still haven't had sex, and for the first time in my life I don't care about the sex. I love spending every night sleeping with her in my arms, with our daughter in the next room. Last month she finally gave up her apartment so she's stuck with me now.

"How do I look?" Imelda says smoothing down her loose purple dress. Her leg is almost back to normal, Lucas has been impressed with her progress and said he may be able to sign her off to go back to work sooner than expected. I know she's been going a little stir crazy without work so last week she helped Doc and Cordelia out at the clinic while Isla played with the kids.

"You look beautiful." I smile as I stand from the bed and pull her into my arms.

"Sorry to interrupt, Isla is down." Bella says hovering in the door

"Will you be ok in the guest room tonight?" Imelda asks

"Yeah, just don't be too loud when you come home if you know what I mean." Bella smirks and I laugh as Imelda blushes. We get to the top of the stairs and Imelda squeals as I pick her up

"You know I can walk downstairs now right?" She asks

"I just like having you in my arms." I shrug as I carry her down. I help her into my truck and then we head off to Scars.

"I'm afraid I might not be able to give you a dance tonight." Imelda says as we slowly walk across the lot to Scars

"We'll work something out." I wink and she smiles. Fuck she's testing my resolve, with her beautiful smile and her innocent blushes, I will be patient for her.

We walk inside and the place is already packed, we find a booth with a few of the old ladies and I help Imelda sit before heading to the bar

"Ice, not seen you for a long time." Daisy says wrapping her arm around my waist

"Been busy with my kid and my girl." I turn and point to Imelda, who luckily hadn't noticed Daisy's arm around me.

"Scarlett told me you had a kid, but I didn't know you had a girl. I'm not gonna lie, I'll miss the sex but I'm happy for you man." Daisy smiles as she lets go of me, that's what I liked about these girls when I was single, no jealousy and no strings.

"You guys need to start recruiting so I get more single hot bikers to fuck." Daisy laughs before heading off towards Ace. I grab our drinks from the bar and make my way back to the booth.

"Catching up with old friends?" Imelda asks as I sit beside her, damn she did see

"Not jealous are we my love?" I ask raising my eyebrow

"Nah, maybe she can put up with your snoring for the night and I can get some rest." She replies and I laugh loudly

"Don't worry, I know you were anything but an angel before Isla came along, but you've never given me a reason to doubt you, so I don't." She says placing her hand on my knee. I pull her to me for a soft slow kiss

"Just one of the things I love about you, you don't judge me for the stupid shit I've done." I say and she blushes

"Who's up for dancing?" Adeline asks standing from Docs lap

"How 'bout it Circuit? Fancy giving me a spin?" Skye asks and Circuit nods before lifting her out of her chair

"You can borrow my leg if you want." Adeline jokes to Imelda as she lifts her jeans to reveal her fake leg

"She's Good I've got it covered." I say as I pull Imelda from her seat

"Rest your bad leg on my foot." I say and she nods as I wrap my arms around her.

"You alright?" I ask as we sway to the music

"I'm having fun, although we've had so many early nights lately I'm tired already." She replies

"We can go home if you need to?" I offer but she shakes her head

"We've spent nearly every night at home alone, I want you to spend some time with your club. Besides I love the girls, they're fun." Imelda replies. She's perfect, she likes my family and they seem to like her.

"When your putting a vest on her?" Knuckles asks as we watch the girls laughing in the booth across from us

"I've already got her vest, I'm waiting until she's ready." I reply

"A moment of silence for another fallen brother." Reaper says with his fist over his heart and I give him the finger.

"Will you claim her before Callum claims Isla?" Reaper smirks

"Your boys aren't coming anywhere near my daughter." I growl looking from Reaper to Killer

"I dunno, I think Callum's got a fight on his hands, Isla and Colt looked pretty cosy on her last play date with Lily." Killer smirks

"Fuck all of you." I groan and they laugh. We continue shooting the shit and the guys giving me a hard time while we watch the girls talking and laughing

"Oh this is going to be fun to watch." Circuit smirks and I look up to see a guy talking to Imelda

"Did I forget to mention Addy invited her team to the party?" Doc asks innocently. Imelda might not get jealous but I fucking do, she's mine.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen." Reaper laughs as I stand and make my way to my woman.

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