Chapter 7 - Ice

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Another morning, another girl in my bed. I left Roxie taking a shower as I make my way to the kitchen for breakfast

"Ice, I need you on the truck early." Circuit says stopping me before I get to the kitchen

"What's up?" I ask

"A girl just called says her car is broken down, Socket isn't here yet, I need you to go." He explains

"Here, I made you breakfast to go." Cordelia says handing me a thermos and a plastic container

"Fine, but I'm finishing early." I groan as I head to the garage for the keys to the truck. I make my way to the broken down car and see a girl in scrubs pacing talking on her cell phone.

"Don't give away my shift, I can't afford to lose a shift. I'm going to be late, but I will be there." She says into her phone, her back to me. She groans as she ends the call and puts her cell in her pocket

"Oh, of course it's you." She says looking up at me

"Nice to see you again too." I smirk as I walk up to her car

"Tell me what happened to your car." I say as I open the drivers door and pull the lever to pop the hood

"It's been making weird noises for a while but it made a louder noise and just died." She explains

"Why don't you get in my truck while I take a look." I say pointing behind me

"No it's fine, I'll call a cab." She replies

"Don't waste your cash. I can't fix it here, I need to tow it back to the shop. I'll take you and get the mechanic to give you an estimate."

"I'll stick with the cab." She says pulling her cell from her pocket. Why is she so pissed at me that she won't get in my truck? Her friend said she'd been hurt by a guy, but not a member of my club.

"Fine, well I'll load up your car and you can stand here waiting for your cab while that storm rolls in." I say pointing to the darkening sky behind her

"Eugh, Fine." She groans as she walks around the car and opens the back door

"You have a kid?" I ask as I see her pull out a car seat

"Yep, I have a kid." She growls as she stomps off to my truck. What the fuck is wrong with this woman? It only takes me a few minutes to load her car onto the back of my truck before I climb up into the drivers seat.

The ride to the compound is silent but I can tell she's pissed. I know I haven't done anything, I hadn't seen the girl before the other night at the club. It begins to rain as I park up by the shop

"Let me help you inside out of the rain before I unload your car." I say as I open my door

"You've done enough Ice." She says as she climbs out and grabs her car seat

"Hey what the fuck is your problem?" I growl as I climb out and walk around to the passenger side

"Imelda? Is that you?" Cordelia gasps as she walks out of the club house

"Come into the bar, you can meet Adrian and Lily." She says as she shakes off her jacket and puts it over the car seat. I watch them walk off to the bar before I start unloading her shitty car

"What did you do to her?" Bullet smirks as I work

"Fuck if I know, she's had attitude since I saw her at the club, her friend apologised but she's still being a bitch." I shrug

"Hundred bucks you fucked her and forgot." He replies

"I asked her if we had sex and she said no."

"Huh, maybe you're just losing your touch with the ladies." He laughs

"Where's my friend?" I turn around and see the girl Socket slept with, Natalie

"She's in the bar." I say as I point to the doors

"Asshole." She mumbles as she walks off

"You hear that? Did she just call me an asshole?" I ask and Bullet laughs as he nods

"What the fuck is going on?" I growl as I walk into the bar

"Ice, don't swear in front of the kids, Colts first word was x-rated I don't want a repeat from Lily." Cordelia scolds.

"I wanna know what the hell you think gives you the right to give me that damn attitude." I say looking to Imelda

"Nothing, my ride is here, I'm leaving. Good to see you again Cordelia, nice to meet you Adrian." Imelda says as she straps her kid into the car seat

"Call me and we'll set up a play date." Cordelia says

"Hold up, I think I deserve to know why you're being such a bitch." I wrap my hand around Imelda's arm to stop her leaving

"Ice." Killer warns

"Let me kick his ass Immy." Natalie says

"What the fuck? You're not leaving until I find out what's going on. Is it because I'm a biker? You such a self righteous bitch you think I'm beneath you?"

"You knocked me up that's what the hell is wrong." Imelda yells and Cordelia gasps

"What do you mean I knocked you up? This is some kind of joke right?" I ask as I release her arm

"Nat, take the baby." She says as she hands off the car seat

"What I mean is just over a year ago we had sex, I got pregnant. And when I came here to tell you you were so busy finger fucking some blonde against the bar you wouldn't even remove your hand from her panties so I could tell you." She yells

"I got you pregnant? You're trying to tell me that kids mine? She could be anybodies." I reply crossing my arms over my chest. I immediately feel the sting on my cheek from her slap

"That right there is why I'm glad I didn't tell you. I don't want anything from you Ice, but now I don't have to feel guilty. Stay the fuck away from me and my daughter." She yells before storming out of the bar

"You fucking idiot. You've treated Imelda like dirt. As soon as I saw her daughters eyes I knew I'd seen them before, they're yours. You need to pull your head out of your ass and go and beg her for forgiveness." Cordelia says before storming off.

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