Chapter 17 - Ice

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Fuck she looks incredible in that skin tight dress. I'm starting to feel things for Imelda that I shouldn't feel for a friend, things that I've never felt for a woman before. I watch as she laughs with Natalie and her sister before they throw back a shot of something that has her face all screwed up and her body shivering.

"I think I'm ready for that dance now if you're still game?" She laughs as she walks over to me. I take her hand and spin her around as we head for the dance floor. I love seeing her happy and carefree as she dances with me, her sister, Natalie and Adeline. Socket soon comes in and drags Natalie away to dance with him as Doc wraps his arm around Adelines waist. Bella, obviously feeling like a third wheel, spins away to dance with some girls I don't know. Seizing my opportunity I pull Imelda closer as her hips sway to the music. She definitely knows how to move that body of hers, even if she needs some liquid courage to do it.

"I forgot how good a dancer you are." Imelda laughs over her shoulder. The song ends and the DJ makes an announcement

"Special request for the birthday girl! Simon says!" He calls before the song begins. It's one of the songs Imelda raps for Isla, although she always swaps out any bad words, swapping titties for kitties which always makes me laugh. Natalie ditches Socket and comes over to Imelda as they rap and dance together, but as I go to step back Imelda grabs my hand and pulls me back in. I can't help the shit eating grin I return to Socket as I'm pinned between the two women. The usual rock music that plays has been swapped out for 90's rap especially for Imelda as more songs play

"I'm overheating in this damn dress I need some air." Imelda groans as she fans herself

"Need me to come with?" Natalie asks

"I'll be fine go back to your boy." Imelda says pointing to Socket before heading outside

"I've got her." I say to Natalie and she says thanks before heading back to Socket. I head outside and look around but don't see her, as I step further out into the parking lot I find her sitting on my motorcycle

"Hope you don't mind, didn't want to get my ass dirty on the floor." She smirks as I walk up to her

"Fine by me, you alright?" I ask

"I'm good, just too hot in this dress, I haven't dressed like this since before I had Isla." She says motioning to her dress

"Well you look amazing in it." I reply

"Thanks, I'm still getting used to how different my body is after having a baby." She shrugs

"Well I think you look hot so don't worry about it." I reply

"Have you heard from Indigo? How's Isla doing?" She asks and I pull out my cell to check

"She's sleeping, they're fine. I figured you want to stay close so you can come stay at the clubhouse tonight, I got Natalie to slip me an overnight bag while you were in the shower." I say pointing to my saddle bag

"That sneaky bitch." She laughs

"Besides I left your gift there." I reply

"You didn't have to get me anything, you already gave me flowers from Isla." She smiles

"I told you I had nothing to do with that, Isla went and got them herself, I was just the delivery boy." I smirk and she laughs.

"Come on, I'm cooler now, you think you can handle more of my dance moves?" She asks as she takes my hand and gets off my bike.

"Aye, I've only ridden a motorcycle once, the night we made Isla." Imelda giggles as she climbs onto the back of my bike, thank god Natalie put jeans in her overnight bag or her bare thighs around me would kill me.

"Ok, I'm ready." Imelda says as she wraps her arms around my waist. I start the engine and we roll out towards the clubhouse. Socket rides alongside me with Natalie on his back, tonight has been the most fun I've had in a while, I loved spending time with Imelda away from Isla, getting to see her care free and not having to be mommy all the time.

We pull up in the lot and Natalie giggles as Socket picks her up and heads inside

"Those two are terrible." Imelda laughs as I pull her bag from my saddlebag and we head inside. I show her where she's staying, the room opposite mine, before she follows me into my room

"Happy birthday." I say as I hand her the small black velvet box. She gasps when she opens it

"Oh my god Isaak, I love it, help me put it on." She says as she pulls the silver chain with a silver heart engraved with 'Isla'. I help her put it on before she turns to face me

"Thank you so much, I love it." She says as she wraps her arms around me

"I just wanted to make sure this year was better than last year." I reply

"Way better." She smiles looking up at me. My hands rest on her lower back as she looks up at me, she's so fucking beautiful, I'll always hate myself for how I handled things with Imelda, but maybe one day I can fix it. I look down into her eyes and I swear I can see lust in her eyes. Does she want me as much as I want her? I lean down and brush my lips against hers, when she leans into my touch I know she wants this and I tighten my grip around her as I deepen the kiss. I pull her body against mine as her fingers play with my hair and our lips move together, I run my tongue across her bottom lip and she opens up willingly as my tongue slides inside. She moans softly into my mouth as I tease her tongue with mine, I'm almost consumed by how sweet she tastes, and then as if a bucket of cold water is thrown over us she pushes me back

"We shouldn't have done that." She whispers as she looks at the floor. Before I can say anything she rushes across the hall into her room and slams the door.

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