Forbidden Love

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I kept thinking about what jin said. But then I remembered he asked me to join him for lunch later. I think I can't even stand seeing him. It was just so embarrassing.

Right now I'm just packing my things for school. But I really feel nervous about seeing jin today.
It's just... I don't know what he meant when he said "it's forbidden love"... I mean how is it like that. We're friends right? Is there something wrong with loving a friend? Ugh I'm just stressing myself out.

I did my daily routine and dressed up. I wore a mint green goodie that fits to me perfectly, not to big and also not to small. And a white skirt that's above to my knees.

*Time Skip*

I was walking at the hallways. I suddenly saw jin look at me. I quickly turned to my locker pretending not to see jin. I put my things no my locker and I felt nervous after I felt a figure was walking towards me. I smelled the person's scent and I already know who was it. I closed my eyes and sighed then I turned around to see... Jin.

"heyy... Y/n. Uhm.. Are you mad at me? Cus I noticed you ignored me earlier.", jin asked with a confused face. I sighed.

"w-what no! I just didn't noticed it was you earlier", I wanna face-palm myself for stuttering but yeah I obviously can't do it in front of him.

"oh ok! Don't forget later lunch! OK?", he said while walking away still looking at me.

I covered my face with both of my hands and sighed. Ugh... Why did I stutter? I guess he knows I feel weird when I'm around him. God good job y/n-ssi.

I just ran to my classroom after I heard the bell rang.

"y/n why are you late?", jimin asked to me with an angry and confused face.

"ugh sorry I needed to talk to someone", I said while sitting next to jimin. I heard jimin sighed. I turned my head to him and asked...

"hey what's wrong?", I asked tilting my head to the side with a confused face. Jimin just looked at me and said...

"I hope it's not the guys again", I furrowed my eyebrows.

"what do you mean? Guys? Who?", I asked Jimin. He put his hand on to his face and just chuckles. He was about to speak when the teacher suddenly entered the class.

Great wrong timing teacher. Ugh, now I can't talk to Jimin.

"OK class let's get started!", the teacher said.

*Time Skip(lunch time) *

"y/n-ahhhh just join me for lunch okiiii?", Jimin said while holding onto my arm and shaking it a bit.

"jimin-sii I can't I need to join Jin for lunch. I promised him.", I heard Jimin sigh and let go of my hand. He sped up his walk. Then I heard him say something.

"them again... I'll get them back.", I heard Jimin said it in a whisper but I still heard it because he's not that far away from me.

I sighed because I'm getting irritated. I can't find Jin but then suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder. I jumped a bit because I was shocked. I turned around and I saw Jin smiling at me.

"hey I see that you're looking for me haha... Sorry we're late our teacher dismissed us late", Jin said looking a bit annoyed because of what he said.

"yeah it's annoying", taehyung said and tapped jin's back signaling him to calm down.

"OK... Soooo... Come let's find a table", I said while pointing my thumb at the cafeteria.

"yeap come on.", Jin said and we all walked at the cafeteria.

As we we're looking for a table I saw jisoo unnie glaring at someone close to me. So I looked around and I saw namjoon oppa also glaring at jisoo unnie. I furrowed my eyebrow and stopped walking.

"hey you okay?", namjoon asked me. I turned around to him with a really confused face.

"is something wrong between you and jisoo unnie?", I asked namjoon oppa. While I pointed my finger at jisoo unnie.

"u-uhhhhh nothing nothing", namjoon answered then smiled at me weirdly.

"yeah just ignore them y/n. Oh! And let's sit there!", taehyung oppa said while he pulled me towards the table.

I was really thankful because we don't reay have much time to eat our lunches... Why? Haha of course I'M SITTING BESIDE MY CRUSH I don't wanna look like an idiot.

*Time Skip(house)*

Jisoo unnie called us for dinner. I was doing my homework so I decided to just eat my dinner a little bit late.

I was so focused on my homework but then I heard a knock on my door. I hummed in response and I heard jimin say "it's me" I just ignored him but he opened the door.

"uggghh jimin-ssi I'm busy!", I said to jimin. He chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes.

"come on you need to eat first", jimin said. I shook my head and hold my pen. I felt jimin's figure come close to me. I tried to ignore it but all of sudden he carried me.

"AHHHH JIMIN YOUR DEAD PUT ME DOWWWWNNN", I heard jimin laughing and shaked me because he knows I'll be scared.

"come on eating dinner with us won't hurt", jimin said and carried me all the way downstairs.

He put me down and I saw jungkook and yoongi oppa staring at us with 'what the heck' faces. I playfully rolled my eyes at them and hit jimin's arm.

"oooowwwwww", jimin said then he hold his arm where I hit it. I chuckled.

"yeah that's what you get haha", I said and stick my tongue out at jimin. Then I sat on a chair and eat my dinner.

We were all eating peacefully until I remembered something. It was the 'thing' namjoon and jisoo did earlier. So I want to ask jisoo unnie because she might answer me.

"uhhhh unnie I have a question", I said to jisoo she looked at me with her spoon still in her mouth.

"hmmm?", she hummed in response and took another bite.

"is there something between you and namjoon oppa", I said and I was just shocked because unnie choked in her food but luckily yoongi oppa gave her water.

"o-oh what do y-you mean?", unnie said while still trying to swallow her food right.

"well... I saw you earlier glancing at namjoon oppa. Did you guys fight or something. I mean I haven't seen you two talk to each other. Do you have a history or what?", I playfully said the last sentence but I saw jisoo unnie's face is serious so I just kept quiet.

" we-well... It's none of your business so don't ask about it. ", unnie said and she stood up from her sit.

She left me clueless. I tried asking yoongi, and jungkook oppa if they have a clue but I didn't get anything.

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