Are You Free Next Week? (short Chapter)

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After a few weeks here I am now lying down on my bed looking at the ceiling while thinking... Nothing, absolutely nothing. My mind is really cleared right now.

I was busy with my thought but then I came back to reality as I heard my phone dings. I reached my phone that was lying in my nightstand. I pressed the power button and saw a message coming from... Jimin? I opened the text.
Hey y/n!!

                                         Hey why did you text me?
                                       I mean it's 8pm already.

Oh hehe I wanted to
ask you something...

                                          Oh OK go ahead :)

Well are you free next
week? Friday?

                                          Hmmm... Lemme check
                                       my schedule. :>

OK I wasn't gonna actually check my schedule. I'm surprised! Did jimin just asked me out? Well technically he didn't but asking me if I'm free next week is a CLUE!
O. M. G. I can't believe this. I wanna shout.

I covered my face with my pillow and I screamed out all the happiness I can feel right now. I was busy screaming until I realized something. Why am I this happy? I mean I  know jimin likes me and I knew he would eventually ask me to go out but why am I this excited? Do I like him?

I was really busy with my thoughts and confused about myself until I heard a ding on my phone. I looked and saw jimin message me again. I opened the message.
Hey you done?

                                             Yeah! Well I'm free.
                                        Why? Hehe

LOL what's with the

                                            Nothing... Just answer
                                       me PLS I'm curious :>>

Oh yeah right... Well
do you wanna go out
on Friday?

                                           Oh wait really? Why
                                      not! LOL


                                            Yeah HAHAHA bye now
                                       I need to sleep nighttt!!!

OK goodnight! <3
I screamed again but this time my face wasn't buried in the pillow so my brothers probably heard it. I was soooooooooo happy and I kept on punching my pillow in excitement. I then heard loud, fast footsteps coming towards my door.

"OMG ARE YOU OKAY?!", namjoon said. He was looking at me all worried.

"I'm fine... wait I'm not fine...", I said. Namjoon looked at me and walks closer to me with a confused face.

"I'M HAPPY AND EXCITED AND IN LOVE!!!!", I shouted. Namjoon flinched  because of my sudden loudness. I was laughing at his face but then I stopped. I just realized something.

Oh my God I just said I'm in love!! Wait so that means I'm in love with jimin?!

" oooohhhhh someone's in love HAHAHAHA", namjoon said to me then laughed. I playfully hit his leg and pouted.

"YAH I'M NOT!", I shouted to namjoon. Instead of stopping he just continued laughing. So I pushed him towards my door and outside my room.

"get outttt I need to sleep", I said as I was struggling on pushing this laughing man.

"yeah yeah OK goodnight", namjoon said and smiled at me. I closed my door and leaned on it. I sighed. Mygod I didn't thought I'd have feelings towards jimin.

I walked to my bed and sat down. I lied down feeling like the bed just pulled my body down. I looked at my phone and read our conversation once again. And it made me smile sweetly. Wow... I do like him.

I was tired so I put my phone on my nightstand, turned my lights off and drifted to sleep.

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