Wish I Was Cold As Stone!

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It was clear to everyone that knew Regina that she was hurting,that she was in pain. Heart Broken.

Today in it's self was a dark day for everyone even more so with the news Regina had been told about her health maybe it was for the best that's what she kept telling herself.

The only person she was thinking of in this very moment was Henry, her greatest achievement her only one true revolution for her becoming the person she was today! the good that everyone saw was thanks to Her son. She knows she's not his birth mother,Shes reminded of that Every time she sees Emma walking around.

Regina drove home after her doctors appointment with Dr.Whale see Regina hadn't been feeling well the last couple of weeks Henry finally convinced her to go see Dr.Whale she should have gone to see if sooner...then maybe she might've been able to get treatment or even have more time. time that she would have loved to spend with Henry with or without Robin.

She opened the front entrance door to be greeted by her sons massive smile, whom was yet to find out about her diagnosis it's going to crush him she can feel her heart tightening,her breathing hitching as she pulled him gently into a sweetly protective hug.

"I'll always love you forever,Henry James. Your my one true love,my greatest achievement." she whispered into his ear trying to hold back her tears with all the strength she had left in her deteriorating body.

Henry was confused as to why his mother was acting this way with so much venerability. he hugged her and said gently,"Know matter what mum you'll always be my hero." he said as he pulled back from the hug.

She looked at him taking a sharp breathe. "I have to tell you something,Henry. it's going to change everything." This was going to hurt both of them more then she realises.

He started to get worried he wasn't sure if he wanted her to tell him even though he knew he needed to know,as hard as it may be.

"Okay!" He said as they walked into the lounge room to sit down. "I had some test done yesterday when I seen Dr Whale..I got the results back today that's why I had to see him again today." She swallowed. "This is hard." She looked away for a second to hide the tears falling. "Henry,...I wish this was different and not something so life changing." She looked back at him,taking his hand in hers. "I'm dying,my grown prince. I have terminal cancer it's true that Villains never get happy endings." By this moment both of them where in denial with tears streaming down each of there cheeks.

Henry didn't know what to think or how to react to the news he knew one thing he wasn't leaving mothers side he was going to be with her through this journey know matter how painful it may be or how it's turned out to be so hard.

"You've got so many people here that love you,Henry. your not going to be alone don't even be as lonely as I have been promise me you'll just keep being yourself.." She tried to say without breaking down into a puddle of emotions in front of her son.

He knew she meant every word and he would do it all for her.

Later that might she sent Emma a message to come over after Henry went to bed she came over roughly around 30minutes later. she walked straight inside to Regina's home office where she found her writing out letters.

"Hi!" she softly spoke hoping not to scare Regina.

Regina finished folding the letters placing it in an envelope marked 'For Robin.' she placed it beside the other letters for Henry,Roland,The Charmings and...Emma. She looked around seeing Emma.

"Hello,thanks for coming." She got up straightening her skirt pushing out the wrinkles. "I have to ask you something!" she sighed. "I can't have,Henry around while I'm going through this whole dying thing it'll be to hard for him,I need you to look after him for a little while I just need to get some air so I'm going to go for a drive around town." she asked actually more like demanding though she didn't mean for it to sound that way.

As soon Regina mentioned 'Dying!' she knew she had to agree that she had to help. "Of course I will watch him." She smiled slightly hoping it would brighten the mood.

Regina simply nodded them done something she's never done before she hugged Emma. It was a shock to them both. Regina removed herself from the in brace as she used magic to appear in Henry's room she leant down placing a soft gentle kiss to his forehead and whispered. "please forgive me for what I'm about to do..just know I did it because it's what's best,I love you always." she sighed letting the tears stream.

At that moment she disappeared to appear in her car as she started the engine to drive away looking back at her mansion as she drove away towards the Leaving Storybrooke sign. It's for the best.

'I wish I was cold as stone,

Then I wouldn't feel a thing.

I wish I didn't have this heart,

Then I wouldn't know the sting of the rain.'

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