The Curse

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It was here and it wasn't even her curse she didn't enact this curse some other powerful force did as it was traveling through the skies of Storybrooke everyone was frenetically trying to figure out a way to save each other the heros and Villains where actually working with each other to save the towns people.

Snow kept agreeing with Regina it was shocking to everyone including herself it was just so unusual of her to do so,they came up with the plan that they'll all lock themselves up until someone was able to manage to find a way to fix this to out power this mysterious wench that had casted this curse.

"I need to inform Robin Hood." Regina left the group to find Robin to tell him about what was happening she was so scared. When she walked up to Robins camp she saw him teaching Roland about arrows and everything to do with being a brave outlaw. He saw her and got up.

"Stay here." He whispered to Roland as he walked over to Regina. "Regina?" It came out a little more confused then happy to see her.

At first Regina was a little lost for words it was so unlike her it's just she noticed how much love was in Robins eyes while in her was fear and a shame.

"The curse is happening now. You need to leave your camp with all of these weapons you will kill each other." She panicked as Robin called for his man to disband camp.
Regina just stand at him right into his gorgeous eyes,the tears where real they where forming in her eyes ready to leave her tender eyes. She didn't want him so see her as the Evil queen or with so much hate it would just kill her.

"What is it?" He enquired worryingly as she slightly smiled blinking away the tears. "I want to memorise you like this.." Regina's words trailed off.
"Nervous and Alarmed?" Regina shook her head. "With so much love in your eyes...I want to remember that." Regina let out a harshly drained sigh of pain & hurt. "This curse is going to bring the worse out in us all and I don't want you to see me as the evil queen knowing I could hurt you/lose you/ would just kill me. I couldn't deal with that." Robin cupped the side of her face comforting her as best he could at this moment. They are both terrified at what could happen.


"Maybe it won't.." Before he finished Regina jumped in. "But it will. I know it will." She looked around seeing the merry men,Henry and Roland packing to leave camp. "I can't lose you because of this curse,Robin." He looked at her slowly pulling her closer towards him.

"Stop thinking,right now is all that matters. It's true." They both nodded and kissed each other before pulling each other into an emotional embrace or fear,confuse all & love...oh,so much love. After that she grabbed Henry and Roland to take them someplace safe with Robin by her side it was time to put there boys some where nobody could harm them in anyway.


After placing Roland and Henry in her office she placed a protection spell to keep everyone out not allowing anybody to come in. She hoped it was going to work,it had to work. Her son and Robins son where what mattered.
"Now what?" Robin asked. "You need to get as far away from me as possible. it's for your own safety." Regina had tears escaping her eyes,he walked towards her not one bit afraid. "I'm not afraid of you,Regina." He explained before she snarly snapped. "Oh,but you should be..really...really...very afraid." She slide around the corner disappearing out of sight he knew he scared she was,how terrified. He went back to the forest with the men they had all tied themselves up preparing he followed suit.

Regina was in her vault she'd just put the spell up to keep her locked away in her vault so nobody could get in though it was more to keep her in...She knew what was about to happen,she knew she was going to become that women she'd tried so hard to forget to be who she is today.

As the curse it everyone changed,EVERYONE CHANGED to there darkest selves...

"I'm back Darlings.." The Evil Queen cackled and broke through the lock in spell..So it begins.

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