Its The Freakiest Show.

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As Regina strolled down the streets of Storybrooke she had a unknown glow her her normal shine some where calling it "Freak Show!" others weren't even game to title it afraid she'd burn them at a crisp,she had changed a lot in 24 hours a lot had change it was about to change even more.

She just shrugged it off. her life has always been a freak show.

As she walked she thought to herself 'Poor Unfortunate Souls have forgotten how powerful I am.' She cackled with an evil chuckle. Oh the things she wanted to do,the hurt she wanted to cause the evil will always be inside of her it never goes away.

"Emma Swan!" she called out and Emma came running. "Yes,Regina" she raised an eye brow. "I need your help." She moved towards the forest with Emma.

"What are we doing??" She enquired as they walked up to Robin and the merry man. "Regina! Emma." He came over. "It's time." She told him. "It's time for the Queen to take back what's hers." She said out loud both Emma and Robin confused as to what was happening.

"Regina,what exactly are we doing?" Robin exclaimed. "We are simply changing up Storybrooke a little it's become rather boring around here since Zelena left well when ever evil leaves it become boring..&dull. Let's bring some fun back into Storybrooke." She smirked at them both.

"Let's be Evil for a day." Emma laughed. "Exactly!" Regina answered. "Okay,lets do it!" Robin nodded. From then on they created potions well Emma and Regina did Robin stayed watch.

10 hours had past they'd created potion after potion the freak show had been created now it was time to build a little Evil freak show circus.

Let's be Evil freaks and shock everyone,after all it's been to long since some fun came to Storybrooke.

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