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Regina had snuck out to her vault early in the morning without awakening Robin she made her mind up that she had to figure out how to at least slow down her dying to be able to give her more time with Robin and the boys. For the next 2 hours or possibly even more she created and tested different potions now working until one...Tornado! as she liked to call it more so likely after herself,after all she is a Tornado of sorts.

She mixed a single tear into her potion as it started to bubble bringing a devilish smirk to Regina's face she'd accomplished something she didn't think was possible in making a life potion with a twist of emotions and heart break.

As it all came together Regina got more excited then expected possibly a little over confident,She wanted it to work to be able to be around longer to see Henry grow and one day get married though she'd have to have my 100% approval nobody dates her prince without passing a few test or a mixture of truth syrups,To far?.

"Perfect!" a evil smirk came across her face knowing that this was going to work and she'd be the only to ever know that she's taken it. "The Queen hasn't lost her touch! ha." She drank the liquid closing her eyes as she swallowed.

Opening her eyes feeling the feeling of overwhelm and better health it felt good,very good.

"Tornado." she named it hiding it away in a secret vault hoping nobody would find it. "Regina?" Called a voice she knew well quickly locking away the potions.

"I'm in here,Ms Swan." She answered walking around the corner to met her in the stair way. "Wow...Uh,you look...Well." Emma wasn't entirely sure how to explain what she was looking at she knew it was Regina just not the weaker Regina.

"Something wrong?" she questioned as she walked pasted her.

"You just look a whole lot better." Emma had a feeling something was up that Regina had done something.

"What your thinking is true,I'm not going to give up my life now that I have finally found my happy ending nobody will take that away from me now. Goodbye,Emma." She disappeared into a giant purple smoke taking her home to her bed room.

She found Robin,Roland and Henry on the couch cuddled up watching Snow White of all movies she had to laugh quietly as to not disturb them,She walked over and sat next to Robin for the rest of the day they just watched all the different fairy tales that Storybrooke is based on.

Two days had past she'd never get better even a little on the Evil side wanting to come out to play,Who knows what the day has planned...After all she is The Evil Queen.

Walking down the street with Henry and Roland the sky started to rumble Regina knew why it was happening even more so who was doing it,She noticed a change in her magic after drinking the potion last night quite frankly she loved it.

Thought you'd change the weather

Start a little storm

Make a little rain

But I'm gonna do one better hide the sun until you pray

I'm a tornado looking for a soul to take

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