Ever Lasting Memories.

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I apologise for not updating in so long I had a terrible New Year with the lose of a close friend of mine. I've been trying to write this chapter but it's just new so hard to do so,But I've finally finished it this story only has a few chapters left then I may or may not be writing a sequel. Let me know of you'd like me too. 💜 KM

Chapter 23 ~ Everlasting Memories!

Today was what they called 'Remembrance Day' a day where the whole of Storybrooke comes together to celebrate the lives of the loved ones we have lost back in the Enchanted Forest as well as here. the fire works popped Regina was sitting with her family I long over the little things that mattered the only things that mattered. Robin,Henry,Lilly & Roland where everything that was important.

Today is the greatest
Day I've ever known
Can't live for tomorrow
Tomorrow's much too long

She took in the cool breeze that was whistling through the air never did she think she'd ever feel such happiness or love for three very important people. Whether or not the rest of Storybrooke knew what they where going through or that Regina was dying didn't matter as long as the final days where full of happiness,joy especially smiles there has to be smiles.

Robin looked over at her with so much love. "thank you." Was simply all he said nothing else needed to be said she understand what he meant,she knew what he was trying to say but couldn't just yet. Soon.

Pink ribbon scars
That never forget
I tried so hard
To cleanse these regrets
My angel wings
Were bruised and restrained
My belly stings

It was getting late on in the night everything had started to settle down in the small town,The Hood-Mills family where making there way back to the mansion all laughing and re sighting on quite an incredible night,a night where the town of Storybrooke put away there differences to Enjoy remembering the ones they loved so dearly.
The family had know desire of heading straight to bed when they got home they chose to continue there conversation they where having on the way home,as they all sat by the fire Regina started to doze off today had taken quite the effect on her both physically and emotionally though it wasn't sad,miserable emotions not at all Regina was full of love,joy and oh so much happiness.

Robin whispered to the kids while he lifted Regina up to take her up stairs to there bedroom. "Moms worn out. I think it's time we all went to bed." He motioned them all up stairs Lilly was carrying Roland who's fallen asleep not long after Regina had dozed off.

As they all laid down to sleep so thankful for everything they had all of them had smiles on there faces just when things have finally started to look up it was coming closer and closer till they lost the women they brought them together...Regina!

Corinthians 13:13

And now these three remain: Faith,hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.

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