3 months alone..

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A/N: I imagined Lilith to look like Selena Gomez she also fits Lilly very well. Hope you enjoy tbis final chapter to a book I wasn't even expecting to get more then a couple of reads,all your comments/feed back mean so much to me..Thank you. Love you all. Mwah. ❤️💋


For three months I swear I have been hearing and seeing my mother I didn't want to believe it until today when the stragest,scariest and plan just weirdiest thing happened.

"Hello? I want ask again." Lilly called out for the third and final time of trying to get who ever it was to agnolige her after all she'd just lost her mother and wasn't in know mood to deal with rude people. "Please just answer me!" She yelled into the dark of the forest,Who could it be? Why where they hiding?.

"I've just lost my mother I am not in the mood." She heard a stick break as the person a women walked out of the trees to reveal herself,Shock came across Lilly's face. "How? I have to be seeing things!" She was in so much shock she couldn't even think about what she was seeing let alone who it was standing in front of her. "Now why are you out wondering the forest by yourself,a little reckless dont you think little girl." She started to walk backwards she didn't want to belive who it was or who it looked like. As Lilly walked backwards she fell on a log and twisted her ankle. "Be careful." The women finaly spoke, "you look so much like her how is that possible actually it's not..is it? no,it cant be I deffiently have to be seeing things." She looked at the women ever so intently amazed at how alike they looked she sware her mother and this 'Forest Women' as she was calling her in her head,looked alike every little piece of her face is framed like Regina's and shaped like Regina's it was quite scary. "Are you okay?" The women asked as Lilly got up she glared at her still ever so curious,"I don't have to answer to you,you're a stranger..." at least that is what she wanted to tell herself. This morning was freaking her out maybe she needed to go home and sleep.. Yes,that's what she needed to do was sleep. Like that was going to happen when all she does is lay there and think about everything,Her mother mostly,How she thought her lifed ended when Regina died or so she thought.

"I think i should get going my father is probaly noticed I have disapeared." She got up with a limp. "Don't worry I won't break my fathers heart and tell him that my mother aparently had an indentical doppelganger,This is some freaky ass shit." She limped away backwards a little not wanted to lose sight of the wome just yet she was way to curious for a young girl her age,now that she got from her mother. Of course she did. "See you soon next time." The women said has she waved goodbye then dispeared back into the forest.to continue to little chat with Emma and Killian who where hiding behind the tress in the distance behind this women. "That was good work we can't have her knowing it'll just ruin everything we have been doing the last three months. Though I do have a feeling she'll be back she's a curious one just like Regina." Killian annouced one they have all re-group after the little incident. "Let's just get back to it,shell we." the brunette headed women groaned with annoyance they all walked back to the camp. "What on earth have you done to yourself?" Robin cautiously asked Lilly when he seen her limping towards him,she was meeting them at Granny's, concerning look on her face,how she wanted to tell him about who she had met in the forest but she sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to break her fathers heart.

"Dad, I'm fine I just tripped while I was on my walk in the forest.." She giggled. "I'm not as skilled as you're walking through there,it's just where I clear my head." She pointed out with a sweetly sincere smile,which she hoped would push away the worrying thoughts she knew he had running through his head. He's become quite protective of us kids since Regina died.

"Okay,how about we go meet the boys for Milkshake from Granny's? Henry and Roland are waiting for us." He helped her,he gave her a little boost as he picked her up. "Can't have you making that ankle worst." She rolled her eyes and just went with it. She knew he wouldn't let her walk. They walked into Granny's then Over to the booth the boys where sitting at,Robin placed Lilith on the chair to let her slide over. She could see the disaproving look Henry was giving her she knew was coming next.

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