Keep Our Love In A PhotoGragh..

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As she awoke the next morning she smelt the fresh air swooshing throw the room she closed her eyes taking it all in,Thankful. Regina made her way down stairs where her family was preparing breakfast she was a little shocked, "now this is something I thought I never see." She chuckled watching them all scurry around the kitchen setting up for breakfast. "We wanted to surprise you with breakfast,I know it's usually your thing to make everyone breakfast and be up before the sunrises but this morning is different we want to make today all about you say it's our way of being thankful you..being apart of our lives even if you used to be the Evil Queen, I still think that's pretty damn awesome though that's just me." Lilly smiled as she walked over to give her moth a hug,Regina giving a massive hug in return.

"Breakfast is ready!" Roland cheerfully announced, "Momma,you're Inbetween Papa and I." He hoped up in his seat as Robin sat beside him with Regina on the opposite side. The older two where on the opposite side of the table facing the other three. As they all are their breakfast the topic of conversation why how many diversions they could come up with so Regina wouldn't find out everything they had planned for today, "So nobody is going to tell me what is happening all? I hate not knowing." She complained cheekily. "We know." They all answered on unison making them all laugh,"you all think you know me so well. " She joked. "We know you better then you think we do,Mom." Henry looked up at her with one of his huge smiles you know the ones that where only ever reserved for Regina? Yeah one of them.

Regina wasn't shocked at all that none of them for telling her anything it made her wonder what things could happen or they where going to make her do though if she's completely honest with herself she didn't care she was excited to get to spent this day of surprises with her family, the family she never thought she'd have let along deserved it amazed her everyday how blessed she had become even if it came at a time of heartbreak for her.. She was still going to love them with every thing she had left in her body,every last breathe and heartbeat.

One by one they finished eating the boys where first to finished and rinse there plates and place them in the dishwasher Regina had taught them well,next was Lilith after she'd rinsed her plate and placed it in the dishwasher the three kids went upstairs to get ready. "I'm guessing your not going to tell me anything either?" She smirked as she asked Robin who simply shrugged and stood up to rinse his plate and place it in the dish washer also. "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it my dear?" He winked at her before he pecked her lips and disappeared upstairs leaving her all alone in the kitchen to over think the events that where about to take place today.

It was around 9:30am once everyone had finished getting ready it took a little longer to get ready in the morning having three children to run after as well as getting yourself ready.

"Kids lets go!" Robin called to the three kids upstairs as he watch Regina leaning against the wall next to him,she winked at him. One by one they came down stairs wouldn't exactly say 'walked' as these three don't know how to do that if you say walk they run etc "Let's get this day started." Regina swiftly opened the door she was just as excited for today as the others where. "Where to first?" She asked,looking the kids while Robin locked the Mansion. "Follow us!" Again they all said in unison,Regina simply just followed she was so shocked they where saying things in unison.

As they intertwined and followed the kids into the local town hall Regina was a tad confused as to what was happening. "This is the surprise? The town hall?" She looked around until she seen it the photographer waiting for them. "No,he is." Henry smiled as he answered her with so much wisdom. "we are going to take family photos. We don't have any of all five of us..We'll at all. We are going to be taking the photos in all of our favourite places we like to go as a family." Robin explained,Regina let a singular tear slide down her cheek she was beaming with love,so much love.

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