50 Shades Of Regina..

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Regina had told Robin to get Captain Guyliner to watch Roland with Emma's presents of course she didn't trust him with Roland just yet, she had planned a beyond sexy night for Robin and her she was going to introduce him to the world of Sexual pleasuring of the Dom and Sub relationship.
Oh, the fun that was going to occur tonight was yet to be defined knowing one thing the outlaw had no idea what was going to happen to him tonight, the pleasure he was going to feel... Oooh...She could already feel the sexual heat rising in her core, she loved how it turned her on in all the right places.
This world has indeed brought a whole new look on sex since they arrive here all them years ago. As she sent up her Red Room Of Pleasure in a secret part of the house for tonight she heard foot steps up stairs Robin was getting Roland ready to go to Emma's in a few hours, Not know where Regina was he told Roland he'd get her to ring him later on as she had told them there had been a ton of paper work to be filed and completed at the mayor's office what a lie that was.
Looking over all the instruments making sure they were all there saying all the names out loud with an evilly devilish smile on her face...?
"Blind Fold, Palms Spanking Paddle, wrist ties for limited function in the wrist and hands, my grey tie. I'm getting excited. Regina, control yourself. Okay, Feather teaser and my favourite handcuffs, Oh can't forget the yours and mine love rings. He had absolutely no idea what he is in for tonight." She chuckled with a hint of a sexual pleasure. She had everything in place for tonight now just to get herself ready after choosing a sexy little number from her closet, and doing her make-up it was time hearing Robin come back home from taking Robin she took hold of the tie and blindfold without even noticing she was biting her lip she walked upstairs to greet him with a sexy smirk and lots of skin. She wasn't holding back.
Walking sneakily up behind Robin and blind folding him she placed the tie around his neck as she leant in to whisper, 'Prepare yourself, Outlaw. Your mine to control tonight. You are going to do everything I say if you even thing of disobeying me you shell be punished...severely." He moaned, reaching to touch her waist his hands where swotted away. "I didn't give you permission to touch, Thief." It sounded a little harsh but the more and more Regina demanded it made him even more aroused.
'Follow me at least try to keep one foot in front of the other." She grunted as she led him by the grey tie to her down stairs sexual fetish. Doing as he was told he did his best to keep one foot in front of each other wanting so bad to just touch her. Having to obey the Queen of his heart was difficult when she was so divine.As they walked down in the her secret layer, the click of her heels rang through the room it was music to his ears as he came to realise just how much trouble be was about to be in. With a strong push he landed with a bounce on a soft and fluffy mattress, He felt a tug and pulled when Regina tied him up he was sure he was aroused even more now.
"Let me see you." His stones stutterer as he gasped as a hard paddle board hit his thigh. "I told you don't speak unless you're told to." He could tell just from her voice how serious she actually was. "Tonight, We are going to have some adventurous fun with a little devilish fetish I have called Dominate." She moved slightly closer to his lips just enough so he could feel her hot breathe against his shaky and stutter breathe, Before moving away she grasped his cheeks in her hand pulling him into to forcefully kiss him as she pulled away she heard his harsh sigh escape his gently lips.
With a flick of her fingers his clothes disappeared into thin air to appear on the floor beside the bed. She straddle him as she took the chocolate sauce and whipped cream, pouring them both all over his chest. "It's time for you to know something about me, My Darling Outlaw." As she licked up the chocolate and whipped cream she released him of the blind fold so he was able to see her in all her glory. "I have a slight fetish you're know going to learn about each step of the way on this fine night. Do as you're told and you won't get punished... though I am awfully hoping you dis obey me..." Before she could speak again Robin smirked all prepared for the consequences he moaned," I will follow all your orders.. mostly." With that Regina spanked him across the chest with spanking paddled they both knew they were going to quite enjoy the events that occurred tonight.
"Tonight you shell not get aroused unless you're instructed to,nor shell you climax without permission from your Dom,You understand all this?" She smirked as the Thief nodded.It was time for the fun to actually begin the whips and grey tie where in her hand the thoughts of what she was about to do to Robin were running through her mind, She lit the Vanilla Bean sensual candle she had placed beside the bed.
Both Robin and herself had a thing for Chocolate sauce and strawberries in the bedroom she had included them tonight as she stood above him on the bed while she squirted the sauce all of his stomach he was in utter pleasure when she leant down, licking it all up with the tip of her tongue all while she rubbed herself against him causing him to groaning and bite his tongue he was enjoying this moment way too much to disobey her in any aspect of the many he just wanted her to continue without interruptions.
Biting off the head of a single strawberry pushing the rest into his open mouth then making her way down between his legs taking his member in her hands teasingly licking the head she could feel the warm rising through The Thief's member. With a smirk on her face she slid the vibrating ring over the top sliding it all the way down to the base,as she took his member into her mouth feeling every single vibration from the ring wrapped around the base it was quite pleasurable.
You don't need to worry about making me crazy
'Cause I'm way past that
Eh, and so just call me, if you want me
'Cause you got me, and I'll show you, how much I wanna be
On your tattooed heart
The faster she demolished his member with her mouth the more and more both of them got aroused. making her way back up him member to place sweet and soft kisses to the tip as she made eye contact with him had to be the most sensual moment of the night the lust in his eyes and the need to had he lips on his while she road his member,the warm of his arousal went through every part of his body from top to bottom as Regina kissed her way up his torso meeting his lips at the top,she removed her g-string sliding his member inside her already sensitive area riding him slowly and smoothly sending moans through the whole room breaking the utter silence with sexually pleasure and groans being shouted echoing and bouncing off each corner of the room,shivers running through there bodies as Regina road him a little more faster each time she moved.
Robin pulled at the handcuffs with all the force he had in him tearing them off the bed head taking hold of her waist tightly,Regina dug her nails into his check trailing marks down his torso as she arched her back.
"Remember I'm still in charge whether or not you got free of the cuffs." She could hardly finish the sentence,Robin rolled them over making sure he understood what she was saying by letting her know so was he. "As long as you remember so am I,my queen." He smirked with a wink.
They both chuckled She rose her hips as he thrusted deeply inside her aroused pussy, "Oh Shit!" She grunted and groaned for the next two and a half hours of pure,utter pleasure.
Wrap me in your jacket, my baby
And lay me in your bed
And kiss me underneath the moonlight
Darling let me trace the lines on your tattooed heart
The rest of the night was made up of love making,fetishes...& well everything that included the toys,whips,ropes and chains all while Tattooed Heart by Ariana Grande played in the background not that either of them noticed they where after all only focused on each other...

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