Unresolved Issues.

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" I just wanted to be here to see the boys grow up,to be able to spend more time with you. Geez,Robin we missed out on 6 damn years because you thought being a loyal and faithful man was important for a loveless marriage." She growled with insurety and misforgetten hurt. 

" I had to for Roland,after all she is his mother I at least had to try for him whether or not I loved Marian I had to try." He took a harsher breathe then expected. Never of them knew what to say next the next few minutes where just of complete silence until Regina spoke. 

"You still deserved to be happy,you chose to be miserable for 6 years and that's on you now that we are back together we don't know how long we will get together since you know my up coming death and all." She sighed feeling confused and fustrated with the man she loved so much she almost ended it all before telling herself she had to be here for Henry he was after all the only thing that got her through the last 6 years of misery. 

They went back and forth for the next 3 hours it had worn Regina out she had to sit down as she cried,This is not how things where meant to be its not how today was meant to go they where meant to make this town realise how much of a drag they all where,that there need to be a little evil in such a small town to keep it interesting and alive. Storybrooke had just died in complete and untter silence and boredom nothing seemed to be exciting anymore,Why did she become so nice and try saving the world when being Evil was so much more fun..well not as much much as certian fetishes. 

"Let's just go home i can't argue anymore escepially on an empty stomach I need to go eat,Outlaw." She walked past him, in a flash she was already outside. "Robin? You coming or you gonna stay with the vault of pesant hearts?" caling out from outside she smirked to herself remembering all the good times she had ripping out them hearts,The excitment. 

He screwed his face up knowing what he was standing next to he hurried outside to met her as she waited outside impatiently. "Finally!" She walked ahead of him with every step she grunted in displeasure as her belly rumbled. "This walking thing ain't working for me." She took his hand and poofed them home into the kitchen. "Oh,thank you magic." She went straight to the fridge taking out a big yellow banana,whip cream,choclate sauce and strawberries.The dirty thoughts she had running through her mind as she licked the whip cream off of the banana,She moaned as she noticed Robin stairing blankly at her. 

"Something you like?" a cheeky smirk appeared on her face it took every bit of her being not to push him against the wall and have her way with him. after all the kids would be home soon from that dreadful place they like to cool 'School' in this land. 

"My queen,eveything about what is going on right now is something i'd like to explore and take adventage of. Knowing the children will be home soon I need to contain myself..maybe we can explore later?" He winked at her as the front door opened,Cheers rained through the main entrance of the house.Regina walked over to Robin kissing his cheek ever so soflty with a single wink her knew the fun that was going to occor later tired.

later that night afte the boys went to bed Regina and Robin had planned on forgetting everything that was said and move on to focus on them,their lives now together with Henry and Roland. she walked into the lounge to find Robin passed out asleep on the couch all curled up with a pillow,It was indeed one of the many things she loved seeing though a little disappointed that there 'later' plans had gone once again pushed back till next time it fustrated her to the maxium it was time she took matters into her own hands.

They where going to have a night where both of them got to with so much pleasure from each other they'd have incapablitity in breathing. Let the planning begin. 

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