I'll make you Unbreakable..

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It's been a few weeks now everything was hurting more every inch of her body was aching,Regina had lost all feeling in her hands about a week ago the doctor said the cancer had killed her nerves in her hands knowing she'll never get to feel the softness of her children's sweet faces again tore her apart deep down though she wasn't going to show it to Robin or the kids how much she was ready to give up.

The last moments needed to be full Of laughter and love she didn't need anything else but to know her last days with her family they where all happy and laughing all the time though something's can't always remain this perfect forever.

As the day rolled by Regina grew weaker first went feeling in her arms then her waist and hips she'd only told Robin who held kept his arm around her,he thankfully was strong enough to hold her up with one arm. God he's amazing. They all say down at the dock looking over the water when Emma and Hook came over.

"Hi!" Emma awoke Regina from her dream making both herself and Robin look up at the Saviour.

"Hi!" Her voice was as weak as her body and Emma could tell. "How about Killian and I take the kids out on the ship for a little while?" As she suggested that all three of the kids jumped

Robin and I both agreed to let them go with The Pirate and Swan,"Okay kids lets go." Emma instructed. As they watched the kids sail off with Emma and Killian,Regina was struggling to breathe it was harsh. Robin kissed her forehead as she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes they both knew what was coming next she didn't have long at all left though she knew she didn't want the kids to see her take her last breathe.

As she relaxed into Robins arms her frail body let go she took her last breathe in the arms of the man she never thought she'd have in her life let along have children with she was finally at peace which she was extremely thankful for even though this isn't how she wanted to have her happy ending end sometimes it's just how things go you can't control the unexpected things that happen to you or your life you just have to roll with it. Robin knew she was know long weekend with him he just sat there holding her body in his arms he looked up to see the Ship coming back in how he knew he wasn't going to enjoy telling the kids what has happened while they where gone but it's what Regina wanted and he had to respect that She didn't want the kids to see her pass away she always wanted them with smiles on there faces enjoying themselves who knew The reformed Evil Queen could be so loving,Who knew it look a thief to win her heart to help her realise how loved she is/was/ it's rather crazy after all the years Regina had been alive and experienced that what made her happiest was three children who filled her heart with so much joy and love while an Outlaw swept her off her feet.

"That was so much fun. Thank you,Killian & Emma." Lilly thanked them with a generous smile,She walked towards Robin with Roland attached to her hip he'd fallen asleep on the way back. "Is Mom okay?" Robin took a sharp breathe then looked up at Lilly just from her fathers look of hurt and heart break she knew what had happened. "Nooo!" She fell to her knees in front of Robin. "it's what she wanted,Lilith." He explained. "I wasn't about to break her heart when we all know she wanted you too all be smiling during this time. " By now Emma,Henry and Killian all knew what had happened Henry had sat beside Regina and held her hand. Robin was still holding her.

"We should get her home." Emma spoke up as she held by tears.

A couple of minutes had past since Regina passed away none of them had been able to process she was really gone...

Lilly had gone for a walk through the forest her emotions where up and down she's finally found her family just to have one of them taken away from her was harder then going from family to family.

All of a sudden a flash came out of no where.
"Hello?" Lolly called out.

When you lose your way and the fight is gone,
Your heart starts to break
And you need someone around now.
Just close your eyes while I put my arms above you,
And make you unbreakable...



Only one chapter left of this book I might be doing a sequel has this book is going to end on quite a cliff hanger/plot twist. I hope you all enjoy. ❤️

xx Kedamaree.

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