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I apologise for the long wait for this chapter I've been moving as we as packing to go away for the holidays.

Also sorry it's rather short.

x Keda

They three of them walked inside Robin walked in after the two women Roland got out of the booth running towards Robin,"Papa!" He sort yelled Robin lifted the boy up into his arms. "Hello my boy." Robin winked at him as he continued to walked with Regina and Lilly towards the booth Henry and Ruby where sitting at. "Thank you for looking after Roland & Henry,Ruby. We appreciate it though these days Henry doesn't need looking after he's growing up before my eyes." She sat down next to Henry.

"Pleasure as always Regina." The two had become rather close over the last few months. "Lilly darling take a seat and I'll introduce you to the boys." Lilly smiled and sat down across from Regina and Henry,Robin and Roland had already sat down in the booth Roland was back sitting next to Henry. "Henry..Roland.." She looked up at Robin with a smirked. "This is Lillith..She's Robin and My daughter." Regina swallowed nervous at how the boys where going to react. It wasn't how they both thought they would they where understanding with a little shock.

"We aren't to sure how as of yet but it's from another life when I wasn't the Evil Queen.." She looked at her family with glee and happiness how she thought this would never happen. "I have a sister and a brother I'm okay with that,as long as it means your happy mum." Henry smiled brightly up at his mother.

"We both didn't think you two would understand. We only just got our memories back of Lilly.. how did you still have yours,Lilith?" Robin enquired a little confused. "I'm honestly not to sure. it all came back to me when I seen Mum..Regina", "you can call me mum." Regina assured her.

They say and talked for the next 6 hours after they'd driven back to Regina's house.

The next day everyone gathered to Mourn Snow/Mary nobody had figured out who's shot her everyone was still looking into it except Rumple who was no where to be found..

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