Please Don't Leave Me..

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Henry had awaken the next morning he was expecting to find Regina in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast instead he seen Emma waiting for him,He was confused. "Where's mom?" Emma didn't know how to explain to him the Regina had went for a drive last night and never come back,how could she break his heart?. Emma wasn't sure how to break it to her son she only managed to say "Sorry...!"

Henry stormed out of the house to the Forrest to find Robin Hood the man that broke his mothers heart,the man that cause her so much pain she know longer let's anyone in to help her.

"ROBIN!!" Robin heard the high pitched yell he wasn't to sure as to who it was or where it was coming from. Henry stormed up to  Robin,"You did this! you made her leave!' He was emotional,Tears streaming down his face he wanted someone to blame he needed someone to blame for Regina leaving she wasn't in the right head space to be making these chooses she needed the ones who loved her around in during this time. 

"What do you mean she left,Henry?" Robin asked with concern in his tone He loved Regina, It was know secret he wanted to be with her he's always wanted to be with her it was just hard with Marian coming back. "She's dying. My mother is dying she has terminal cancer." He forgot that Robin hadn't heard that Regina was dying nor that she had left. One thing Henry knew was that He needed to find Regina,"She misses you more then she's willing to show. She thinks that leaving is for the best that being lonley is for the best,Mom was so happy with you the way you made her smile was scary cool." He chuckled a little nervously not sure what to say next. 

"No!" was all Henry heard before Robin feel to the ground crying out Regina's name with so much hurt and pain. It come clear to Henry that  Robin missed Her as much as she missed him,"Go find her,Robin. I don't care what Marian will say or anyone else for that matter all i care for is my mother and seeing you like this has made me realize that you love and miss her just as much as she does you. I am giving you any other chance to make my mom happy. Now get up,go after her." He had grown so protective of Regina. "I need to be with her while she is going through this,I need to hold her hand why she is dying,Robin. After everything she has done for everyone it's time for us to support her." Henry walked away after that not wanting to show even more how heart broken he was when honestly all he wanted was for Regina to hug him one last time,He was always so selfish not realizing that he had it pretty good. 

Without a single word from Marian not that he let her have a chance Robin told her to look after Roland as he was packing a bag then hugging Roland then he left not telling her where he was going though she already had an Idea of whom he was going to see,She was no match to what Robin and Regina have or the connection they have for each other. 

Around 6 hours had past since Regina had left she'd been sitting in her car at the town line wanting to crose not able to find it inside her self to leave,or the strength. "What are you doing? you can't leave it's selfish." She mumbled to herself letting out a harsh scream,banging on the steering wheel. Her broken heart couldn't handle knowing that she'd let her son down,that she just ran away from the only support team she's ever had. She whispered to herself,"Robin!" she wanted so badly just to be able to tell him though she never got the chance to even talk to him,He was always with Marian how she wished she'd killed her when she had the chance. Robin just ran hoping he would be able to catch Regina Little did he know that she hadn't left yet when he ran past he car screaming her name at the top of his lungs,Regina quickly jumped out of he car confused as to why he was calling her name,"Robin?' She called out to him making him stop in his tracks a little up from her,He swiftly turned and saw her standing beside her car looking confused and a liitle weak. How it pained him It's like he could see right into her soul how heart broken she was and he knew he cause that pain inside of her. 

He stood there sighing with relief knowing she hadn't left just yet. "You haven't left yet?" He asked her when he started to walk fast paced towards her,Regina shook her head not to sure what she should say it's been six years for them last she knew he was happy with Marian well that's what he told her at least she had know other chose but to believe him. "Why didn't you tell me you're dying? why did you try to leave? I can't lose you." How could he say all that does he want me to hurt more?. 

"The question should be,Why do you care so much? aren't you the one that broke up with me? though to answer your beyond stupid questions,I didn't tell you frankly because it doesn't concern you there answered both your questionnaires. Oh,you can also take you pitiful 'I can't.." Robin kissed her before she was able to finish her sentence they where both crying,holding onto each other not wanting to let go. 

After a few minutes Robin and Regina stood their staring at each other neither of them wanting to say a single word to ruin it neither of them sure of what the other was thinking all they knew was that the kiss they just shared had to be the most magical of all. Regina Lent against the side of her car closing the door beside her,"I didn't tell you..I knew you'd hurt,I knew you'd try to find a cure but there isn't one not even a magic potion or spell that can same me. It's Villains never get happy endings even if they had become a hero.' Letting out a sharp sigh She looked off into the distance of the long road ahead. Robin walked a little closer,"What we had was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me,just feeling so loved from another was truly the greatest gift of them all...Thank you for loving me." Regina looked back at Robin who was now standing right in front of her with one of his cheesy grins on his face. "I'll always love,my queen...Always.". with that he just stood there pulling her to him,embracing The Mayor in his arms just to hold her. That's how they stayed for the next hour. 

Regina cried in his arms feeling save with such warmth having know realized she wasn't making the right chose,The right chose was to stay in Storybrooke she just need a mended heart.

'Well you showed me

How it feels

To feel the sky

Within my reach

And I always

Will remember all

The strength you

Gave to me

Your love made me

Make it through

Oh, I owe so much to you

You were right there for me.'

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