Operation Unknown

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As they awoke the next morning the glare of the sun shining through the basement window Regina rubbed her face as she got out of bed chucking her robe on while she walked over and opened the curtain wide letting the light shine through the room, She heard a groan from the outlaw who surprisingly wasn't a morning person. Regina smiled. "Good morning" a soft whisper came from over at the bed making Regina turn around to smile at him with a single wink, as she walked back over to the bed.
"It surprises me how you aren't a morning person. How so?" Regina crawled on the bed over to Robin, placing a tender kiss to his lips. "I used to be until I started dating the Mayor, now I just prefer to sleep in and cuddle." They both chuckled with a soft smile. "We need to get up. I'm in dire need of a freshly brewed coffee." Regina laughed at Robin she'd never seen someone drink so much coffee other than herself it was a shock.
After they both had their coffee and showered they got dressed for the day. "We need to go get the boys from Captain over-dramatic and his trusty wench." Regina sent Robin a jokingly smirk. Robin simply playfully rolled his eyes with a laugh. "We should ring before we go just in case they aren't there since Henry might have taken Roland to seen Marian." She nodded and dialled Emma's number.
"Hi this is Sheriff Swan Please Leave a message and I shall get back to you." Regina gowned and tried again. "Voicemail again. Why is her phone off? I didn't make her bloody Sheriff so she could turn her phone off whenever she damn please." It made Regina growl under her breathe. "Maybe she's busy..." robin tried to point out but she wasn't having any of it. "She better hope to hell she isn't not with my boys under her roof." My Boys. Robin smiled hearing her call Roland hers. "Oh stop with the smiling it's freaking me out plus you already knew I thought of Roland as my own I love that little outlaw." Regina shrugged with a smile.
Meanwhile over at the Saviours house they were indeed, Busy, doing exactly what Robin had pointed out to Regina. Emma had been hanging up on Regina it's wasn't turned off at all, "If I don't answer next time who knows what could happen... Oh god, Regina could walk in on us." She gasped looking at Hook, with a quick roll of his eyes he continued thrust deeply inside her sending a harsh moan through her body. Regina and Robin where walking over to Emma's house when they saw Henry and Roland walking towards them. "What are you two doing? I thought you were with Emma." Curiosity got the better of Regina.
"They said they wanted us to go get some cinnamon rolls for breakfast." Henry explained as they all walked up the stairs to Swans apartment. Regina heard slight moans coming from inside she immediately took hold of the boys hands and walked them towards Robin, she whispered, "take them to the park." Robin nodded as he walked away with the boys.
Regina kicked in the apartment door and snared. "is this how you look after OUR son,Swan?" She glared at both of them. Emma jumped straight up butt naked. "Oh for the sweet love of magic please cover your self." She looked away as she rolled her eyes. "Never could keep it zipped up could you,Hook?" She sighed. "Anyway I have the boys they're down stairs with Robin. I have work to attend as do you Sheriff swan.." She walked out with a swift turn on her heels. "Regina..wait." Emma said trying to get Regina's attention but she ignored her.
She walked down to the park and met up with The boys and Robin. They stayed at the park for a couple of minutes before taking the boys to school. Regina then kissed Robin goodbye and went to work as he went the other way into the forest.
~4 hours later ~
Emma walked into Regina's office with a harsh glare on her face before Regina could say anything Emma with snarky smirk said. "How dare you not let me explain! Actually I shouldn't even have to explain to you why I was having intercourse with MY BOYFRIEND.." she yelled that part Regina looked at her with her arms crossed. There was something about how angry and strong Emma was being that turned her on just a little,only a little the little she wanted to admit to herself. While Regina was imagining all the things She could do to Emma the sheriff continued to yell at her.
Regina growled," Swan shut up and lock the door." The sheriff did as she was told. "good now come over here and bent over my desk..i instruct that you do it quite quickly." The mayor demanded. The sherif did as she was told and bent over the desk as Regina slapped her ass," I've noticed a change between us they way we both look at each other..." She stood behind Emma taking a right grip on her waist. "Now..Now we will find out how much as changed." She kissed Swans lower back. Regina whispered against Emma's lower back. "On your knees. I'm sure you know what to do from there." As Regina sat down Emma turned around with a smirk on his face she bent down on her knees and removed Regina's underwear. Regina closed her eyes.
"Regina?..Regina?" Emma was waving her hands in front of Regina's face as she snapped out of it. "Shit!" She sighed as she realised it was all a fantasy.
Regina barges past Emma to go find Robin she was sexually frustrated as she stormed through the forest to find her boyfriend she bumped into someone,someone she was hoping not to see again that day... Emma!
" We need to talk..." Emma stood her ground In front of The Mayor.
What did you all think? Let me know.I'm going to go a little Swing town in the next few chapters I hope you don't mind. xx 💋

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