Evil never looked so good!

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Today was going to be a good day,A brilliant day with a town of critical people finally understand Evil where they finally understand Regina.
Emma,Regina and Robin walked back into town from her vault to show this town how to have a little fun.
Sometimes knowing that what was going to mostly shock everyone was that Emma and Robin where helping.
Oh,let the fun begin. Hahaha!

"These peasants have know idea what is about to hit them." She cackled it was a different side of Regina that Robin was seeing right now frankly he quite liked it. He found it rather sexy!

He whispered into Regina's ear with a charming smirk. "I'm rather turned on by this evil side of you." He kissed her cheek.

Emma was walking ahead of them as they where flirting behind her,she had no idea. Regina quickly kissed Robins lips with her bright red lipstick leaving it marks on his lips. She speed up.

"Let's hurry I'm to excited." She speed past Emma and out of the forest. Both Robin and Emma laughed. "Where are we starting?" Emma enquired looked back and forward between Robin and Regina.
"How about the darling dark one?" Regina smirked with a raised Eye brow at her two follow companions. They both nodded in agreement after everything he deserved to get a little karma. They walked through the streets of Storybrooke to Golds shop try stormed through the doors with a mighty harsh zap of magic,They knew he wasn't there they where just going to how do to say it 'clean up' a little.

The shop was cluttered with dust after all.

"Let's give this place a magical make over while where here take anything that could benefit us." She cackled and started spinning things around making things explode,it brought her so much joy. "What on earth do you think you're doing?" a harsh Scottish accent screeched through the air making Emma and Robin jump it didn't even make Regina tense up she wasn't scared of Rumple.

"A little magical spring cleaning or a little searching! I can't deny that this is so much fun." She smirked glaring forcefully at Rumple. "Regina,Dear! you under estimate our powerful I really am." he blasted her with magic throwing her across the room.
Regina laughed and started chocking Mr Good,"you really think I'm so weak? did you ever wonder how I've become so strong after being so weak for so many months? I created a potion that's going to keep me alive I don't know when I'll die but it's going to keep me here with my family something you don't have." she snapped Rumples neck.

Emma and Robin looked on in shock,"You made a potion to keep you alive?" His voice was harsh and confused.
She looked at him unsure at what to say in this moment,"I wanted to be here for you and the boys I wanted to spend time being us we haven't had the chance." She set fire to Mr Golds shop.
"Let's get out of here!" she poofed them back to her vault.

"I'm going to take my leave and go home so you two can talk." She just left feeling then tension and awkwardness.
They both didn't know what to say Robin understood why she did it he wanted to spend all the time in the world with his true love.

They stood they staring at each other just smiling it was a moment of moments where finally neither of them spoke.

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