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Two months had past since the whole Regina wanting to leave Storybrooke and her diagnosis it was still hard for everyone to believe including for Regina whom was know not shutting herself away from everybody else instead she'd been letting people in to help her,which was completely out of her comfort zone not that she'd ever admit it. Thankfully she's had Robin and Henry by her side both of which haven't left her side as they've both noticed her weaker frame that last few days.

Snow was the first to noticed Regina's weak frame Snow being the curious mind that she is without considering how Regina was feeling went up to her to ask her to sit and take a moment little did Snow know was that Regina needed to keep moving your she'd collapse.

"I appreciate your concern,but I have to decline. I have to keep moving." Regina exclaimed as she continued to walk past Grannies where the Charmings where eating lunch all except Henry and Emma who where with Hook exploring the forest. Henry had grown quite close to the pirate of the last couple of months of Emma and him dating. Snow watched on as Regina walked away her face full of concern and guilt.

She'd gotten to the forest line as she heard quite a deep rusty voice,She turned to see Robin walking towards her. She smiled at him.

"Madam Mayor,are you breaking the rules and sneaking out again?" It made Regina laugh a little knowing exactly what he meant she it meant to be on bed rest after all.

"Very funny..I need to just walk or else I'd collapse. I can't stay in bed the whole time It makes me feel useless and quite frankly I'd rather not die knowing that the last thing everyone remembers of me was how useless I was." Regina sat down on a near by log with Robin beside her hold her hand.

"You'll never be know as useless,my love...you'll always be know as courageous,strong,confident & my favourite stunning...in every way." He placed a kiss to her pale cheek it felt cold like ice,he hated to admit to him self that she wasn't going to last much longer frankly he wasn't ready to lose her forever.

They both knew it was close.

Robin sat with her for what felt like forever Regina had fallen asleep not long after placing her hand on his shoulder. He could still hear her breathing it was sharp and hasty but to him it didn't matter as long as she was still alive. He'd let a few tears fall down his cheek it's the only time he'd ever cry when she was asleep or he was alone,he didn't want anyone to see he wasn't dealing with it. Regina is the only thing that matters to him.

After he'd carried her home and placed her in her bed Robin laid with her holding her close as he fell asleep next to her when he felt a weak arm around him he smiled peaking open his eyes to see Regina rolled over facing him with her arm wrapped around him,in the moment he couldn't of felt more in love with his Queen.

Its just that I'm so damn scared of losing you

As you're fading out of sight.

It was a little after six o'clock when Robin woke to an empty bed he started to worry until he heard the groans of somebody being violently sick in the master bathroom knowing straight away it was Regina. He closed his eyes not wanted to go in there to see her like that also knowing Regina wouldn't want him to see her like that unstable and venerable.

The next couple of months where going to be hard they where gonna be unimaginable.

What matters most is never ever losin' faith

'Cause it's gonna be alright

You're not alone tonight

The community where all feeling the hurt of Regina's pain and weakness finally realising how much she had change. She was now a valued member of the community a trust member.

Regina will be one to tell you that she doesn't wanted your sympathy she just wanted to live everyone until the last.

There were nights where I was sure

I wouldn't see the morning sun

And there were days that seemed so dark

I couldn't wait for night to come

I couldn't stand to think about how

My life used to be

And how without a single warning

It all slipped away from me

Like a fool I thought I could fight

The shadows on my own

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