"I Wanna Watch You Bleed."

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Please enjoy. I hope you enjoy this chapter there's a little twist at the end,Who dies? Who yells "mum?" ? All with be answered in the next chapter.

Don't be afraid to message me or comment who you think dies or think could be saying 'mum' in the end id love to hear your ideas and thoughts.

They were the first words she utter as she stormed through the doors of the sheriffs office she knew Snow White would be there as she previously mentioned that her and that husband of hers where locking themselves up in the cells. "Hello Dearies!" She snarled standing in front of the cells.

"Regina?" Snow laughed at her in her evil queen outfit. "I'm impressed that you can still fit into those outfit after all the last few years you have put on the pounds." The Queen snarled at her ripping open Mary Margaret's cell door throwing a sword right in front of Snow.

"You never knew how to keep your mouth shut,did you? Always a spoilt little bitch who got what she wanted whenever she wanted.." Regina glared with a slight smirk. "Your daddy ain't know longer king.. I am and will always be your Queen..." She held her sword up to fight Snow White. Snow picked up the sword and looked at it. "I haven't held one of these in so long.", "I'm sure glad I'm using it to end your miserable life." Snow had snapped for the worst memories came floating back from when Cora ripped Daniels heart out just so Regina would marry her father.

They started fighting each other with the swords within a couples of minutes they where pushing and shoving each other,yelling and screaming nasty hatred towards each other. how powerful was this curse? They all knew it was going to bring there worst selves out they just didn't expect it to be like this.

"You always get what you want because your a hero,a hero who lived with 7 munchkins..wonder what your daddy would've thought." The evil queens voice echoed through the walls of the sheriffs office. Regina cackled. Snow White glared. You could feel the tension,you could feel the unsolved unresolved issues from all those many years ago.

"Whatever you're applying in disgusting,Regina. They Dwarves where nothing but sweet to be they looked after me when nobody else was there for me." Mary yelled directed towards Regina. Regina snarled she picked up one of the office tables and threw It towards Snow it crashed right above her head shattering little glass pieces everywhere across the cream floor,not one bit of concern was felt from Regina she wanted Snows blood for everything she'd been through because of her,the heartbreak that occurred for many years not believing she was ever worth being loved or giving love in return she hated The princess but it suddenly hit her that the women she was trying to kill just for her pleasure was once that little girl she adored,the little girl she saved that day she snuck off to meet daniel in the paddocks. She screamed trying to make her thoughts stop.

"Your nothing but an emotional bitch with nobody to love or to be loved in return maybe the person you honestly what to kill is yourself,Regina. Your son doesn't even love you.." Snow White was pushing Regina's buttons to the point of terroir to the point where one of them was going to die,Regina wasn't leaving now until she was able to watch every single drip of blood drain from the princesses body as she thought about it more and more a evil smirk appeared across her face she was going to win,she was going to achieve in killing Snow..even if it was the last thing she did.

With a swift pull of a trigger of a gun bullets where shot in all directions from every directions neither of them knew from where before they knew it they where both on the ground slowly slipping out of consciousness Regina gasped taking what might just be her last breathe but is it? Could this be the end of The Evil Queen? Or was it the end of Snow White? one things for sure nobody knew who was hurt as they laid there in pools of blood,people screaming. The curse need two enemies to hurt/kill/ each other well darlings it worked.

"MUM?..." Who's voice was that?..

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