Chapter 26~Un-Edited

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Chapter 26

I squealed when I opened my eyes, Dance day.

It has been 2 weeks since we went shopping and well surprisingly school was quiet I still received glares from Julia but it didnt bother me I was happy.

Blake and I had gotten closer over the past weeks and I trusted him,I truly did. He made me smile,He made me laugh, He brought back the happiness I had in my life before mum died.

“Morning” Said dad walking in the room chewing a pancake, I smiled as he passed me a coffee and muffin. I moaned in delight as the hot drink slid down my throat.

“Your mother would be so proud of you” He said smiling as I smiled back.

“I remember when I first met your mother,it was actually at a dance just like yours tonight. I was sat outside and i'm sad to say smoking when she came out the door tear faced, her boyfriend cheated on her at the dance with the girl who was my date. We spent hours talking about crap with vodka,chips and cigarettes, We married 2 years after” He said with a smile on his face as his eyes filled with tears.

“You loved her didnt you daddy” I said smiling, he nodded.

“ always will darling, Now I know you may be upset about darcy and me dating but I really like her and its the first person since your mum” he said looking at me.

Yes you heard right, Darcy. The night after we went shopping Darcy came for dinner and honestly I loved her. She is smart,caring,sweet and adores my dad. He however let the nerves get over him and did some of the stupidest things which ended up making our night so much better.

“Dad,I like her shes nice and if she makes you happy I can't argue with it” I said smiling making him give me a cheesy grin.

“She will be round later to see you off, she adores you sweetie and wants to see you off to your first dance” He said before leaving.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Ok thats hair done,Makeup and nails all you need is your dress and you girls are sorted” Said Darcy who seemed flustered all day for a 5ft2 she didn't have take control of situations and made everything perfect.

The girls arrived around 12 and she was here with hair,make-up and nails courtesy of her sisters who were all beauticians and hairdressers.

Once our dressers were on we were ready to go, I put my feet into the silver heels and placed my mothers locket on my neck and gave myself a quick look in the mirror and honestly I looked like a princess.

Walking down the steps I took one step at a time making sure I didn't fall, Once I made it to the bottom I heard a chorus of gasps and squeals. I looked up and Made eye contact with Blake.

I looked down and smiled, There he stood with a smart black suit on and a tie was smiling cockly at me. He looked as If he was an armani model. “Princess” He said as he brought his hand behind his back and put the corsage on my wrist, It complimented my dress and his eyes. It was beautiful.

“Its beautiful” I said blushing.

“You're beautiful” He said placing a kiss to my head making me blush ever more.

“Pictures,Pictures” Said Darcy running from the kitchen with my dad trailing behind.

I watched her take pictures of Kaden and Tracey and how he kept kissing her,It was no lie that he was in love with her and honestly they couldn't be happier.

Next was lucy and her date they looked happy too, and then me and Blake I watched dad have a quick pep talk with Blake before giving me a smile and letting us have our photos taken.

When he wrapped his arms around my waist he put his mouth near my ear “Your dads scary when he wants to be” He said making me laugh.

Then we were off in a limo to the dance, excited was an understatement.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~   ~  ~ ~

“Now to announce Dance King and Queen”

We all stood at the side watching the scenes unfold, Julia stood excitedly waiting to jump on the stage but glared at everyone.

“Our king is… Kaden Smith” Everyone cheered and Kaden walked up trying to be cool and took the crown then fist pumped the air making us laugh louder.

“And our queen is… Tracey Jones” I heard the scream from Julia and her face was a picture. It morphed into a scowl and she ran out the dance as we all cheered, Tracey for once was in shock and didn't say anything.

“Our king and Queen dance” Said Mrs Gardiner as they both walked to the middle and started dancing to a slow the end everyone was dancing and I caught a glimpse of them both kissing.

“Our turn princess” Said Blake above me,I was about to protest when I heard the song start,Our song.

“The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful

Stop me and steal my breath.

And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky

Never revealing their depth.

Tell me that we belong together,

Dress it up with the trappings of love.

I'll be captivated,

I'll hang from your lips,

instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above”

I smiled as he started to move with me.

“I love you carls” He said as I felt my heart beat increase.

“I love you too” I said smiling, The dance was coming to a close and I felt ready.

“Spend the night with me” He said making me look at him, he looked at me with lovingly eyes.

“Yes” I whispered as he pulled us away and we walked out the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~

“You can wear some of this if you want” Blake fussed nervously and I honestly dont know what came over me.

I walked over to him swaying my hips as he undid his tie and ruffled his hair making him look even more gorgeous. “Kiss me” I said and he didn't wait a second before kissing me.

I was ready, I felt ready, I was ready to let Blake have me…


Hello guys, Here is chapter 26 and well if you havent already guessed the next chapter will be a sex scene so read if you would like but honestly if you arent into that stuff I understand haha

Im at the moment picking college courses and am truly stuck so if your from the uk please message me, Im clueless and so confused haha.

Please vote,comment and of course read this!


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