Chapter 25~Un-Edited

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Chapter 25

It was official, me and Blake. To say I was happy was an understatement.

Blake he annoyed the hell out of me but in a way it's a reason I like maybe love I don't know.

I was brought out of my daze by Tracey clicking her fingers in front of my face " Carly? Are you even listening to me?" She said with a frown on her face I looked towards her and smiled.

"Sorry was thinking about things"

"More like a certain someone" I blushed making her giggle.

"As I was saying were going dress shopping this weekend and maybe we can invite Lucy" I nodded making her smile.

Lucy was Blakes cousin the same girl I may or may not have thought he was seeing behind my back. I felt like an idiot when I met her a week after he asked me out, I blushed like mad when he explained she was his cousin and not his secret girlfriend.

"Alright girls?" asked a deep voice above me as both Kaden and Blake sat down. I felt a tug at my waist making me squeal as I was placed on a warm lap " I wouldn't move around much princess wouldn't want any surprise visitors now would we" Blake whispered in my ear making me blush as he chuckled.

"Hi Carly I'd like you to meet Tomtom i'd like you to meet Carly my half sister" said Kelly as she came towards us I smiled up at tom he was cute but not my type, yes Kelly finally told him her feelings and turns out he liked her to.

"It's nice to meet you Tom, meet Blake,Tracey and Kaden" I said as everyone nodded. It still seemed awkward because everyone was still cautious around Kelly.

I was happy.


Waking up on Saturday I was in one of the best moods for what I haven't got a clue.

"Morning dad" I said skipping downstairs greeting dad.

"Morning princess, listen can you come for dinner tonight I'd like you to meet someone" he said nervously, I smiled and nodded making him relax.

I smiled as he gave me his bank card and told me to use as much as I would like before leaving for work. I noticed his uneasiness with tonight's meal, maybe he's met someone.

I smiled at the thought of dad moving on. I know what people will be thinking, why would you let him be with someone else? why would you be happy he's moving on from your mother? why some may ask...because it is a nice thought knowing if I ever go away to college or a new life he will have someone to take care of him and make him smile.

I smiled at the thought before going to get ready.


"Hi girls" I said giving both Tracey and Lucy a hug which they returned.

"Ok let's go girls" Tracey said marching off as if she was in the military making us laugh but walk after her.

"What colour do you think suits you all best" asked the scary looking assistant. her hair was pinned back in a small right bun and she had a expression that said 'dont mess with me' I shivered.

"I think for me a gold or maybe a dark blue. For Lucy maybe a red and Carly a light blue or baby pink" Tracey said reading of her list making me and Lucy all gobsmacked.

The assistant gave Tracey a tight smile and showed us to the rack full of dresses, and here is where I meet my death.


"Oh Carly that pink totally suits you,you look gorgeous" the girls swooned over the dress it was a short dress with diamonds covering the top and it fit to perfection, I gave them a smile and agreed I felt like a princess.

Next Tracey came out in a gold dress Which clung to her curves making her look like a model, her hair tumbled to the side as I noticed a slit on her leg " Trace you look like a goddess" I said as she giggled.

"I feel like one" she said as me and Lucy smiled. Then Lucy came out in the most gorgeous blue dress which made her look cute and sassy. “Damn girl” She giggled.

”I think we're ready to party girls” I said as we all beamed. Walking out the store I felt a  spring in my step as I we walked to starbucks.

“Well im officially knackered girls” I said crashing into my seat at starbucks. “Hey everyone” Said a sweet voice above me, Kelly. I smiled as she brought us our coffee’s and of course my oreo milkshake.

“So whats with you and  Tom ey?” asked Tracey wiggling her eyebrows I sighed and punched her making her wince and Kelly giggle.

“Were taking it slow at the moment… I think he knows how I used to be and well is scared I will do something stupid but honestly I really like him” She said making us girls ‘aw’

“Well if it isnt the pity party” Said a squeaky voice next to the table.”Afternoon Julia” Kelly said  she glared at us and put her attention solely on Kelly.

“Coach wants your cheer uniform back by monday” She said with a smirk… Yes you heard or at least thought  Kelly was no longer cheer captain or on the team. When Chase died she stopped everything and as you may also have guessed Julia took the spot for queen Bee and it was wonderful,Note my sarcasm.

“Yes Julia” Kelly said quietly ducking her head, making me sigh. Kelly had little or no confidence since losing it all and in some ways it made her more human but others it was awful.

“You know what Julia...I'm sick and tired of you thinking you can push everyone around purely because you now have your queen Bee title. Well take this you're still a nobody and will always be the girl who rose to fame by hiding behind her friends! You're not special you're still the same as everyone else just a bigger bitch . So I hope  when you finish school you realise how much you have ruined and what little friends you still have left,.” I said before throwing my milkshake over her head. She looked at me like a fish before screaming and walking out the door.

I felt people around me cheering and laughing but all I could think about was the one thing bothering me...My lush milkshake was now ruined.


Not my best chapter I have to admit I have had abit of writers block when writing this…Unfortantly there arent many chapters left so please tell me what you think is going to happen left?

Ooo and everyone check out All Time Low:Dear maria count me in=Im addicted.

What Is your favourite milkshake? Mine is oreo?

Also!!! Thankyou so so much for the reads I looked and was like 5k what the hell,wow!!

So to say thankyou comment your book and I will check it out,vote/comment:)

Till next time,bye!

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