Chapter 28

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This is it guys,the final chapter of fake it…

Chapter 28

I woke up and felt a breathe above my shoulder I turned slightly and was met by my sexy boyfriends face. I looked down to see my naked body on his and I blushed then tried to cover myself up,” don't cover yourself princess I've seen it all” He said making me giggle as he placed more kisses down my throat.

“I looked down his body as he was sprawled across his bed, He had a tattoo across his chest and ‘mother’ on his him. I followed my gaze to the ring hanging out his nipple.

“Got it done last year” He said as I traced it with my finger making him groan.

“Princess you're playing with fire” I laughed and moved to get out the bed. Once I stood I stretched and moaned from the bones clicking.

“Im in love with my sight at the moment dark” A deep voice said behind me as I squealed and covered myself up with the quilt not even thinking about what will happen when I pulled it. Blake looked down at his body and smirked as my eyes fell down his body slowly, very, very slowly.

“Breakfast?” I asked as he nodded, I pulled a top from his drawers and a pair of boxers, He did the same but just a pair of tracksuit bottoms. I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist and him kiss my ear.

“What do you want then?” I asked he looked at me before pulling me towards the chair and making me sit, I watched him curiously as he started to cook.

“ What do the tattoos symbolise?” I asked softly.

“ The chest stands for past and what makes me who I am and well you know what the other one is” I nodded and drank my orange juice.

“So today are we going anywhere?” I asked eagerly as he gave me a smile, His phone vibrated against the table as he went to check it. I saw his eyes scan the screen and guilt flashed through his eyes.

“You okay?” I asked, He looked at me and nodded.

“Can I drop you home in a bit please?” He said and I smiled, for the rest of breakfast we were silent. To say it was awkward was an understatement.

“ I will text you ok?” I said as I walked to the door, He gave me a smile and kissed my cheek.

“Remember I love you and I will never hurt you, I promise”

He said making my eyes fill with tears, “ I love you too”. He closed the door and I heard a crash from inside but I chose to ignore it.

2 weeks later~

I walked down the halls in school thinking over my past movements, The corridors were empty and all you could hear was the clash of my feet against the floor. It has been a week since Me and Blake had sex and if i'm honest I feel like a princess. I was in my element although things had been somewhat awkward in the past two days I was still happy with my life.

Darcy has been over at least three times and week and has met Kelly. Kelly likes her which is good and just last night called dad ‘dad’. He had tears in his eyes when she said it and I couldn't help but smile at them both.

“Good morning sunshine” Said Tracey coming out of her class with Kaden in toll, I smiled at the both of them.

“What everyone doing tonight?” I asked as we walked to the canteen.

“Cuddles and films you?” Tracey asked, I replied the same. Once we made it inside I smelt the waft of food. My stomach turned as I ran out the room and to the toilets to puke my guts up.

“You okay carls?” I heard a voice outside. I unlocked the door to face Kelly.

“ I'm alright think its just a stomach bug, I'm going to sign out though I need my bed “ I laughed as she walked me to the desk as I signed out.

Once home I went upstairs took a shower to refresh myself, then fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up feeling sick fill my throat as I ran to the bathroom and puked,again. I washed my face and mouth and stared in the mirror. I was late, I was never late. Staring at the bag that I had placed in my bathroom cupboard I felt my hands shake.

I pulled open the bag and did what was needed to be done, Still shaking. Walking out the bathroom I was met with Blake on my bed.

“Hey babe” I said as he stood up but stepped away from me.

“You weren't at lunch?” He said, I looked at him weirdly.

“I was sick,you ok?” I asked looking at him but he turned away.

“ Were over Carls” He said making my eyes fill with tears

“W-W-What?” I asked, he looked at me coldly.

“Were over, you me are nothing anymore” He said,I felt myself tremble as tears slid down my cheeks.

“ Why we were fine? I thought you loved me? We spent that night together Blake please” I begged as he walked towards the door.

“It was all a lie Carly! I didnt love you,I never did. I slept with you as a bet and look at that you took it. Your a waste of space and a whore. I dont want you near me so just dont speak to me again, you worthless slut” He said looking at me I saw a hint of guilt flood through his eyes but It soon passed and the cold look I hated returned as he walked out the room and out my life.

I fell to my knees and cried, I heard the timer go off in my bathroom as I pulled the stick out of my pocket that will change my life forever…



This is it guys, Don't hate me because...SEQUEL!!!!

The sequal will be up hopefully tonight and I will add a bit onto authors note about it!

Id like to say a big thankyou to every follow,read,comment,vote that you my readers gave me and fake it! Its made me more confident in myself and my reading and I love you all so much!

 Ive made 10,000 reads so seriously thankyou so much!!


Final Goodbyes until the next time,Love anonymitygirl x

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