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Chapter 9

Josh leads me out of the locker room and in the direction of my house. He had shoved his hands in his jean pockets as we started the short walk.

The first few minutes we were both silent, neither of us saying a word to each other. It was unbearable. The tension between us was knocking me off balance and I didn't know how to handle it.

I was losing my mind after that kiss.

"I'm sorry" I blurt

Josh falters briefly before resuming to his normal pace.

"Uh what for?"

"Logan. I'm sorry he punched you, and yelled at you."

Josh lets out a breath as he pushes his hair back off his forehead.

"Don't be, it's not your fault."

"What were you guys even fighting about?"

"Coach gave us a choice of two plays, one would've guaranteed we got the touchdown but it was the same play we've been doing all night. The second play was a more risky one, we had to go inside instead and he left it up to me to chose. Logan started a fight when I said I wanted to go with the second option. Even after I explained why. Quinn is smart he picked up our plays very fast. It didn't matter what play we used we would've lost either way."

"How do you know that?"

"I transferred from that team. I know how they work. They switched up their game after I left but they still have the same weak spots. I took a risk because I knew that it would rattle them, and it did before Logan did his own thing."

"He's the one made you guys lose?"

Josh nods his head slightly.

"He was supposed to go between 27 and 15 and he didn't. He went outside and that's what got us. Quinn knew what he was doing because he watched him the whole game. He picked up on his weakness and took advantage of it."

"That must be why dad took him off the team. He's gotten into fights before with the other players. He feels like he deserves the captain position but dad won't give it to him."

"Your dad is right not to give it to him."

"Excuse me?" I say slightly offended.

"That's my brother you're talking about." I defend.

"No I know that. I'm just saying that if he feels like he has that much pressure on him to prove himself to everyone he won't make a good captain. I can tell he loves the game. But he would be to worried about how he looks to the world, he wouldn't focus on the team."

I narrow my eyes. He had a point. I hated that I agreed with him. I felt like I was betraying Logan.

"Listen, my birthday is in a few weeks and I'm throwing a small party. Would you maybe wanna come?" Josh asks as he rubs the back of his neck.

I glance up at him and notice the slight blush staining his cheeks.

"Sure. Text me the address and time and I'll be there."

The smile he shows me is so big it makes my heart flutter.

"Wait I don't have your number."

I chuckle as he stumbles to pull out his phone. His hands shake slightly as he hands it to me.

I quickly type in my number and name for him before handing his phone back.

"Thanks. Can I Uh get a picture of you? For your contact?"

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