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Chapter 14

Exactly ten minutes later there is a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shout from the couch.

I hear the door open and shut and footsteps walking towards the living room.

"I come bearing gifts!" Josh says

He takes a seat on the couch next to me and pulls out three tubs of ice cream.

"I got strawberry, chocolate explosion, and mint. Which one do you want?"

"Oooh definitely mint." I say grabbing it out of his hands.

He chuckles and hands me a spoon from his bag.

I smile at him and dig in to the ice cream.

"Oh god this is so good! Thank you!"

He smiles at me as he opens the strawberry tub.

"What are we watching?" He asks leaning back


"Oh right"

I turn my attention back to the tv just as Ross and Rachel kiss.

I see Josh staring at me out of the corner of my eye, when I glance back at him, a small smile plays on his lips.

"What?" I ask

"You have ice cream on your face."

"I do? Where?" I ask putting the tub on the coffee table and wiping my face.

Josh laughs at me as I clean my face.

"Did I get it?"

He nods.

"Yeah, but it would've been more romantic if you had let me clean it off you."

"Oh." I say as a blush creeps onto my cheeks.

"You look cute when you blush. Red is definitely your color" he says with a wink.

That just made the blush increase. I felt the heat crawl up my chest and neck and explode into my cheeks.

"So what does Kelly Willis do on the weekends?"

I chuckle as I pick the tub of ice cream back up.

"You're looking at it. I don't do much. I might go to the mall with Tali or throw the ball around with dad but that's about it."

"Where is your dad?"

"He and my mom are visiting my grandma in the hospital."

"Oh. I'm so sorry. Is she going to be ok?"

I shake my head

"She's dying. Stage four breast cancer."

Josh's face falls.

"I'm sorry I didn't know."

I shrug and hold the tears back that were desperately trying to fall, placing the ice cream back on the coffee table.

"It's ok. I know it's better this way. She's in so much pain. We thought it had gone away, we thought she beat it. But it came back."

Josh grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"I'm so sorry Kelly. I know it's hard to lose someone close to you. When my grandmom died a part of me died with her. But I know that she wouldn't want me to be upset, and that's what pushes me to keep going. I don't want to let her down"

I sniffle and put my free hand on top of our encased hands.

"I want to go see her, but I can't handle it. It breaks my heart seeing her in that bed. She's so frail and weak and I hate it."

The Boy in the Jersey ✔️Where stories live. Discover now