Chapter 1

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"Why the hell are we doing this again?" Deidara groaned as he laid back on the cushioned seat.

A sigh could be heard from next to him as Sasori fiddled with his scroll. "You know perfectly well why, Itachi thinks this is the best course of action."

Deidara sent a glare towards the nearby Uchiha who was sitting with his eyes closed and his arms folded, Deidara narrowed his eyes further, he couldn't stand how he could always act so cool. "That's another thing, we died and Leader isn't around anymore. So why are we listening to him anyway hn?"

Before Sasori could reply he was beat to the punch. "You know I can hear you right?" Itachi spoke never opening his eyes. "To answer your question, when we woke up in this world both Kisame and Sasori decided that I would make the best leader for the time being. You threw a fit about it and challenged me only to be defeated in a manner very similar to our first fight, remember now?" Itachi cracked one eye open to see the blonde glaring at him. "Also even you know it would be foolish to venture off into a new world you know next to nothing about on your own."

"Just chill out blondie, who knows, we might have fun at this place. I never attended the academy so it'll be new to me." Kisame chuckled walking over to the three. "Now that I think about it, you were only in the academy in the Leaf for a fraction of the normal time ninja usually are required, this should be relatively new for you to Itachi."

Deidara huffed and laid back down as they sat, it had been six months since the four had woken up within the world they now knew as Remnant together. At first it came as a shock to all of them, but being shinobi they adapted quickly and immediately set out to learn all they could about this new world. Each had awoken wearing their old Akatsuki uniform as well as have certain important items in their possessions. Kisame awoke with Samehada strapped to his back, the living sword didn't know where they were either, or at least thats what Kisame said it had told him.

Sasori was one of the stranger cases as he awoke within his puppet body along with several scrolls containing many of his puppets. Deidara had his scope as well as two full pouches of detonating clay. Finally Itachi had awoken with a single scroll which he declined to inform the other three what was seal within.

What puzzled them all however was the state of their bodies, they each appeared to be no older then seventeen years of age. While for Deidara who had only been nineteen when he died originally it wasn't a big deal and Sasori wasn't effected at all do to his artificial body, Kisame was by far the most upset by the change. Having been in his thirties before he died he wasn't pleased with the idea of being so young again. Itachi didn't seem to mind much seeing as he to was rather young when he died only being in his early twenties. Despite all these surprises however the four had managed to thrive within this new world.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon Academy." A female voice caught the fours attention, the image of an attractive blonde with green eye appeared in the window.

Kisame gave a whistle earning a grin from Itachi who sat next to him. "I gotta say, if all the instructors look like that then I think I really might enjoy this place." Kisame smiled widely before turning to their Uchiha leader. "Since we're arriving any minute why don't we go over the game plan, as well as start doing something about that." Kisame suggested while gesturing to the rest of the airship cabin where around thirty students all laid unconscious.

"I agree, Sasori if you would." Itachi looked to the puppeteer who pulled a small ball from within his coat and tossed it onto the ground causing it to explode into a green gas before quickly dispersing.

"The neutralizing agent should take full affect by the time we arrive, I used a rather weak sleeping agent to put them under to begin with so I highly doubt any were harmed." He stated before going back to his scroll, over the past six months the puppeteer had become engrossed in learning how computer systems operated, he considered it to be a tool from the heavens for spy's and saboteurs like himself. As such he had researched the subject heavily and took to it like a fish to water. "The cameras in here will return to their working state one hour after we land, so we don't need to worry about witnesses."

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