Chapter 27

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"That is a big fuckin bird right there." Kisame spoke from his spot on the branch next to Itachi looking down at the clearing where a massive Nevermore with far more bone plating and intricate red markings all across it, it was easily the size of one of the smaller bijuu.

"The grimm around it aren't anything to scoff at either." Itachi reply gesturing to the large horde of varying types of grimm surrounding the sleeping giant.

Taking a step forward Itachi dropped down to the forest floor below with barely a thud, Kisame soon landed next to them as they both looked to the four students standing around the trunk of the tree they'd just been standing in. "Are we seriously thinking about fighting that thing? When I called for support I was think more along the lines of evac." Coco asked with crossed arms.

"You four will not be fight the SS-class, you will be spread out taking care of any smaller grimm that will be attracted by the sounds of battle." Itachi explained before looking to his partner. "Kisame, you will deal with the grimm surrounding the SS-class while I take on the target itself."

"Yur fuckin crazy if you think you can take on that thing by yourself. I've seen you red cloud guys fight and have even lost to the blonde on yur team, but yur still just students, we all are. We need to leave and let the military and actual huntsmen handle this." Coco stepped forward while trying to suppress the fear the grimm was causing her.

Itachi smiled slightly. "In any of circumstance, you would be unarguably correct with your reasoning and plan of action, however you are wrong about something. Kisame and I aren't students, at least not like you four." He spoke surprising the four and causing Kisame's eyes to narrow slightly.

"Itachi, are you sure about this?" Kisame asked his partner.

"Do you trust Velvet and her team?" Itachi asked his long time companion. Kisame looked to his curious looking girlfriend and smiled before turning back to Itachi and nodding. "Then I see no issue." He responded, looking back towards the group of anxious students. "We don't have time for the full story so I'll keep this brief. Kisame, our team, and everyone else you've seen wearing these coats aren't huntsmen or huntsmen in training. We're something far different and more powerful. We are shinobi."

Vale Police Station

"And that's thirty thousand." The chief of the Vale police force set the stack of cash down in front of Kakuzu. "I must say Mr. Taki, ever since you and your partner showed up the major crimes in Vale, with the exception of Dust robberies, has plummeted. You've already taken out over half our most wanted list, you've been doing this kingdom quite the service. Though I can't say that I condone the amount of blood and bodies you leave behind you." The Chief leaned back in his chair as Kakuzu pocketed his bounty.

"If I had it my way there would be far less bloodshed, but my partner is a homicidal lunatic who believes he's killing in the name of his weird god. If it weren't the dangerous criminals I generally keep him busy with it would likely be innocent civilians, and I doubt either of us want that." Kakuzu spoke as he stood to his feet, the disgusted look on the Chief's face was interesting as it also held a small amount of understanding.

"I see, well I think I agree with you then. Best let criminals be the only victims he takes." As he said this a younger looking police officer barged in through the door with sweat on his face.

"Sir! Two men have been reported fighting down town, both are suspected huntsmen. They've already destroyed two small buildings." The man reported quickly.

The Chief was back on his feet quickly pulling his weapon from his drawer. "Give me descriptions." He ordered.

"One is a man approximately forty years of age wielding a large sword. He is reportedly wearing a grey shirt and black pants, graying black hair and red eyes." The younger man read, Kakuzu listening with minor interest.

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