Chapter 7

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"That was so cool! How did you get us to fight each other? Where were you during the fight? Do you have any weapons you use? If you do can I see them?" Ruby spat out questions faster than most could listen, even despite this Itachi couldn't help but smile, Ruby's curiosity really reminded him of Sasuke when he was young. He could hear the innocents in her voice. Yang was still slightly bummed about the match and was following slightly behind the two.

"Uchiha, we've got a slight problem hn." Deidara interrupted the conversation before Itachi could answer any of the questions.

Itachi nodded to the blonde bomber as he approached. "I'm aware, Sasori messaged me moments ago with the details." It was technically the truth, briefly after Kisame had left Itachi's clone disguised as Sasori slipped away from the group and dispelled transferring all the memories back to him. "I'll go have a word with Kisame in a moment." Itachi then turned to Ruby. "It would seem there were several harsh words exchanged between my partner and two of your teammates, you have my apologies on his behalf, you as well Weiss." Itachi bowed his head slightly.

"It's okay, I'm sure it wasn't anything that a few apologies and a big plate of cookies can't fix." Ruby smiled widely at the Uchiha earning a chuckle in reply.

Itachi then turned to Deidara. "I'm going to go find Kisame, you do the same with Sasori. I'd like to have a team meeting back in our dorm in about an hour."

Deidara nodded before making for the door leaving Itachi with the three girl. "I apologize again, please excuse me."


"Do you ever regret doing all those things?" Penny asked from her spot on the bench overlooking the sea, Sasori sat next to her looking down slightly.

"Hmm." He thought to himself, he'd been talking with Penny for several hours. Neither required food, water, or sleep so the passing time didn't really mean much to them. It had started out with the two throwing questions back and forth but then Sasori found himself talking more and more, something he really wasn't prone to do. He was a highly trained shinobi who lead a spy network, secrets were apart of his being, but soon he found himself telling this girl he'd just met everything about himself and about his past. If asked he wouldn't be able to say why, because he himself did understand, but he just couldn't really see Penny ever using something against him. This very thought however went against everything his experience as a ninja ever taught him and yet he couldn't shake it.

"Back when I did them I had convinced myself that I was something beyond human, something better. But as of late I've begun to question that. Just before I died the final time someone said some very interesting things that has had me thinking for sometime. Sure I could blame everything on losing my parents at a young age, or the brutal nature of the culture that raised me, but in the end everything I did was my choice and only I can be blamed for them." Sasori looked to Penny who had a sad look on her face. "Tell me Penny, do you think I'm a monster?"

Penny was quiet for a few moments. "My father once told me that you are what others see you as, and what I see you as is my friend Sasori!" A smile appeared on her face as her usual chipper mood returned.

Sasori couldn't help but stare at the girl in complete surprise, then he did something he hadn't genuinely done in many years, he started laughing. It was soft at first but quickly grew until his fist was banging on his knee. "You truly are something special Penny." He told the smiling girl after a minute when he finally began to calm back down.

"PENNY!" A voice shouted from nearby gaining both of their attention. A man in an Atlas military uniform quickly ran over to the two. "We've been looking for you for hours, where have you been?"

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