Chapter 20

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"Do you know who their sending?" Izuna asked from under his hood as he and Cinder stood in a clearing several miles outside of Vale.

"No, but my lady assured me that they were strong enough to handle anything we need them to." Cinder replied watching the sky above them. After standing silently for several minutes the two saw a speck in the distance that was approaching the two, another minute later and a small transport bullhead was landing within the clearing. "Let's say hello." Cinder said with a grin as they approached the bullhead which opened up on the side and out walked to men.

The first was a teenage looking boy with long white hair and green eyes. He wore pure white robes that looked almost like those of a monk, his feet were bare. No weapons could be seen on his person but Cinder had come to learn that looks could be deceiving.

The second was a taller man wearing a black leather duster the reached past his knees, he had dark grey pants and a pair of black boots. It was rare to see a ninja with closed toed shoes rather than sandles. On his head sat a black leather cowboy style hat and wrapped around the lower half of his face was a white scarf, Cinder could see the long black hair hanging out the back tied in a pony tail.

The white haired boy stepped forward first and spoke. "Greeting, our master and lady sent us to assist you." He gave a light boy. "My name is Kimimaro Kaguya, and this is Tetsu the former third Kazekage."

Tetsu snorted. "For all that means here." He almost growled.

"It's nice to meet you two, I assume you two have been brief on what we're up against?" She looked to the taller of the two who wasn't making eye contact with anyone and from what she could tell had a scowl on his face.

"Yes we have, to think that not only someone with the legendary eyes of six paths but also two more Uchiha. I've never had the opportunity to fight one of your clan before, I look forward to the chance." Kimimaro spoke looking at Izuna.

"I wouldn't mind checking out what you've got, when we get to Mt. Glenn let's spar a bit. I've faced a couple Kaguya clansmen in the past, that bone shit you guys do is nasty but effective I'll give you that." Izuna chuckled holding out his hand to shake the boys.

Taking the offered hand Kimimaro nodded his head. "I would love to spar with you, now why don't we leave for our next location. The grimm will be getting curious soon and I'm not in the mood to kill them." With that the four all piled into the VTOL Cinder and Izuna had brought.


"I swear I don't know what it is with this years students and getting themselves into trouble." Glynda groaned as she sat in her favorite booth at her favorite cafe in Vale. It was small, quiet, and best of all, it was almost completely unknown to the student and faculty body of Beacon. The perfect place for her to go to be alone and think, though today was different. Today she sat across from one of her 'students' complaining about her job, not the most professional thing to do but this wasn't the average student.

"The youngest generation is always the one that makes the largest ripples, this is true for any world. The young want to change the world even if they don't know why or how, it's a part of growing up." Pain lifted a steaming mug of tea to his lips. "Add that to the fact that these children are in a rather unique situation and everything going on in the shadows, well I think we're lucky things have only been this exciting so far."

Sipping at her own Glynda nodded still looking tired. "Yes I know, but it still doesn't make me feel any better. If anything I feel worse knowing everything I do and not being allowed to tell anyone. Sometimes I just feel that if we told our students what we know about you know what, maybe we wouldn't have as much trouble protecting them as we do."

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